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I entered my office building. I'm so happy today.

"Good morning ma'am" the receptionist said.

"Good morning Nico" I smiled.

"What's the reason of the bright sunny smile today?"

"Hmm... I'll soon tell you. I need to go right now byee"

"Ook. I think it's something very interesting. Well bye then"

I took the lift and went straight to Jaco's office. I knocked the door.

"Come in" I opened the door. She got up from her seat. I ran towards her and hugged her tightly and started to jump in so much happiness.

"Y/n!!!! What happened?! Will you tell me!!" She said.

"JACOOOOO!!!! I'm soon getting married!!" She got all shocked. Then smiled brightly and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations bestie. I'm so happy for you. What's his name? Is he handsome? When did it all happened? The hell tell me everything"

"Ok ok. So his name is Jeon Jungkook" just as I said his name her eyes widen.

"CEO of the JEON COMPANY!!!"

"Yes and he's very charming and handsome. And it all happened on Saturday. When I texted you"

"Look at your cheeks. Just talking about him getting red. Ahuh" she teased me. I'm burning from embarrassment.

"Stop it. And you know he knowns Mr. Park, Mr. Kim and Mr. Min"

"Of course. I told you they are brothers. Tsk" she sits on the chair.

"Oh yeah. Um by the way. Here. The invitation" I gave her.

"Thanks. Who all you are inviting?"

"You, Mia, Chan, Nico and 2-3 my other friends. Mom dad will invite others. Hy hy hy. Mr. Park, Mr. Kim and Mr. Min will be there too. So do you think I should give invitation to them too? But like I don't know them much"

"But still you work with them. I think you should give them"


*Knock knock*

"Come in" the door opened. Entering the three Misters. Park, Kim, Min. I looked at Jaco. She gave me a little nod.

"Good morning sir" I bowed them.

"Morning" they said.

"Before anyone says anything. I wanna confirm something" Mr. Park said. He walked towards me.

"You're getting married with our little boy Jungkook?" He said and ONLY his name and my cheeks got red. I just looked down and slightly nodded.

"So--" before the would say any further. I handed him the invitation.

"I know you all will come" I said and gave the two of them too.

"Of course. Why won't we" Mr. Kim said.

"Congratulations Y/n" Mr. Min said.

"Thankyou sir"

Park is looking at me and smiling too much.

"Jimin" Mr. Kim said in some type of signalling tone.

"No hyung. I ain't. But just look at her cheeks"

Which is a red tomato. Mr. Min chuckled. Enough!! I took my bag and left. It's so embarrassing. Hehe.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. It's........

My Love | KTH x JJK ff | ✓Where stories live. Discover now