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Weeks Later At Taehyung's house

"Yes finally!!!" He got up from his chair.

"Y/n....now you'll be forever mine" he said and went out of his house.

Your pov

I was in the hospital cuz I was feeling sick again. So the doctor told me to do a pregnancy test. And told she called me for the report.

"Mrs. Jeon?" A nurse called.

"Yeah I'm here" I said and she let me went inside.

"Hello doctor"

"Hello Mrs. Jeon. How are you?"

"I'm not good. Still unwell"

"Hmm....maybe these report can do something" she handled me the report. And after reading it, I felt like dancing. I'm pregnant.

"Oh my god!! Is it real? This is my report?"

"Yes. Congratulations"

"I'm really happy. Thankyou. Thankyou so much doctor"

"My pleasure" I was about to left when I said.

"Doc please don't tell my husband about this" she smiled and nodded. After that I left happy.

Evening Time- At your house

I was thinking that when should I tell Jungkook about this. I'm sure he'll be so dn happy. We wanted a baby from such a long time.

"I'm 2 weeks pregnant. I can't believe"

Author's pov

You were watching TV when you got thirsty. So you got up and went in the kitchen. You came back drinking but choked on water when you saw an unexpected guest sitting on the couch.


"Oh hi Y/n. How are--"

"What the fuck are you doing here? How the hell did you came in?"

"The door was unlocked so I came in" he casually said. You tired to calm down because of your pregnancy.

"Jungkook is not here. Get lost so" you said.

"I didn't came to meet Jungkook but you" he got up.

"But I don't want to talk to you"

"Ok but don't you think I should take what's mine. I left something you know"

"Take what you have here and just leave"

"Is this the way you treat your guest? Atleast give me some water" he came forward and took the glass from you and drink some. You blood was boiling.

"Ok now let's go. Come with me"

"Why should I?"

"Because...you are my thing which I left"

"I'm not your thing"

"You always were mine"

"I never was your and that's why I now have Jungkook who is far better than you"

"Didn't you missed me" you crossed your arms.

"I missed you so much Y/n, I still love you. Come back to me please. I'll keep you like a queen and--"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" He looked at you as you shouted.

"Get out from here" he took steps forward.

"Jungkook don't love you. He is cheating on you Y/n. He already have someone in his life" you grabbed his shirt.

"Stop it now"

"I know Y/n that you love me but what it's not ri--" he smirked and suddenly he kissed you. He then broke. You pushed him. But unfortunately Jungkook was standing behind you guys and looking at you with a blank face. Taehyung got up from the couch.

"Oh...I...I told you not to....Jungkook she...she is a cheater Jungkook....she asked me to be her....she kissed me"

You stood there shocked. Not able to speak anything and looking in the eyes of your husband which were filled with sadness. His eyes were shinny because of tears.

"I'll ..I'll just leave you guys" Taehyung said and left but before leaving he locked his lips and winked at you. You looked at Jungkook.

"Jungkook I swear. It's not like it looks" you tried to defend yourself but stopped when you saw tears in his tears.

"Jungkook" he came towards you. Your eyes got teary. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you deeply. Minutes later he broke up the kiss and joined heads.

"Was there still something which I wasn't able to give you?" You look in his eyes. He leaves you.

"Get out from my house"


"Right now"


"GET OUT FROM MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!" You flinched at his loud stern voice. It's the first time he shouted on you. He turned to you. His soft eyes turned into eyes full with anger. Like at any moment he will murder you.

Getting disappointed you left. Later on you were sitting on a bench all alone. When a figure stopped infront of you. You looked up and cried when you saw Jimin.

Meanwhile Jungkook

I can't believe on what I saw. How can she do this to me? Didn't I loved her enough? She kissed my hyung. She fucking kissed him.

And later that night Jungkook cried a lot.


Sorry for the late update but the thing is that I'm having so much fucking things in my life.

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