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While we were eating I was looking at Mia. Chan was sitting beside her. And she was blushing whenever he was looking at her. By the way Chan is a really funny and nice guy. Suddenly his phone starts ringing.

"Excuse me" he got up and left.

" he the one?" I asked her. She shyly nodded. I smirked at her.

"He's handsome huh"

"Yea" she nodded. We both were laughing and giggling. Chan came back.

"What happened? Why are you both laughing?" He asked taking a seat.

"Nothing. Well Chan do you have a girlfriend or do you like someone?" I asked him. Mia's eyes widen.

"I don't have a girlfriend but I do like someone"

"Oohhh~ who is that lucky girl?" I wiggled. He leaned back and signalled to his right. Means....Mia. I smile.

"Come on tell me whose she?" I pretended like I don't know.

"Leave it Y/n" Mia scratched her neck and glaced at him then me.

"Why? it Mia?" They both looked up at me. I looked at my food and continued eating.

"Why would it will be me huh?! She will surely someone more better" Mia said. Chan chuckled. I glanced At my watch.

I should be going. Mr. Park have already given me some work. But before that I need to do something.

"Ok guys I'll be going now. I have some work but I don't know why still I want to do this" I said.

"What?" Chan said while taking a sip from his drink. I looked at them both and took a deep breathe.

"You both like each other and I think you both should talk. Ok bye" Mia choked and with that I quickly got up and ran away from there.

I went to the lift and there was standing that men whom I bumped into that day. He is on his phone so without saying anything I went inside and pressed 10th floor button. I him looked through his reflection on the door. I looked away when he suddenly looked at me. I looked at the numbers as the lift is going up. Time by time I took a glance of him, if he is looking at me for not. But, he isn't.

He's opposite of Mr. Park. But who is he even?


The doors opened and I quickly got out and went straight to my office. I was about to open my office door when..

"Hyy!!" I turned back and saw the same guy from the lift. He came towards me.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes sir" I nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Park Y/n"

"Park" he chuckled. Then showed the the screen of his phone.

"Do you know him?" He asked. I blinked few times.

"Yes he's.......Mr. Park"


"Sir would you like to sit inside and then talk?" I opened the door wide for him. Looking at me he nodded and entered. We both took a seat. He looked around the room. Like observing everything.

"Was Park flirting with you?"

"Yeah" why is he asking me these questions?

"By the what's your name sir?" I asked.

"Just call me Mr. Min"


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"Hmm so I heard your Park's assistant? Is it
true?" I furrowed.

"What? No I'm not his assistant. Mrs. Martis have told me to work for Mr. Kim and Mr. Park. I don't know about assistant"


" do you know him?"

"You didn't recognized me by my name?" He asked a bit surprisingly.

If he's saying like thi----oh wait wait.....Mr. Min....the 7 brothers. Oh my she told me.

My eyes got big. I quickly got up and bowed him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Min. I didn't recognized you. Actually I never saw or heard about you and any of your brothers. apologies"

" I guess you don't read newspaper or watch news" he said.

"Um.. you're right actually" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Sit" his expressions don't change a bit. I obeyed him.

"Give me your number" he slided his phone. I hesitated at first but then gave him.

"How many hours did you and Park spended today?"

"We didn't. He...he just took my number. Gave me some flirty looks and left. Then after sometime he called me, gave me some work. And yea"

He chuckled.

"He's a pervert" he said.

"Indeed he is" I nodded.

"Show me your designs" I then gave him those designs. This expression remained emotionless but still he appreciated my work.

"Amazing. You're really talented. I appreciate it. You are very lucky to work with us. We don't hire someone like this" I smiled.

"Thankyou so much sir"

"By the you have a boyfriend" when he asked that. My smile dropped.

"No" I shooked. He looked at me for a while. But then looked away.

"Oh sit. Im so sorry Mr. Min. I didn't asked you. What would you like to have. Coffee, juice, tea, etc.?"

(Suga's pov)

Now I know why Jimin was talking about her so much. First impression is the last impression. And she took it. Perfect.

"Will you bring it for me?"

"Ok" she shrugged. I chuckled at her.


"Go then get me a coffee" as I said she got up.


"Are you seriously going by yourself? Don't you have an assistant?" She stopped.

"No I don't have one. Wait her Mr. Min....I'll be back"

"Ya ya ya!!! I'm kidding. I'll get it by myself"

"Oh....ok then" she then sat back.

"But I can still get---"

"Shh~~ I'm going. Bye. see ya"



I text. I opned it. It's from Park.

Park: So what do you think?


Park: Look I told you hyung

Me: *Seen*


My boards will be starting soon. So, I'll update when I'll have time.

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