Because of HIM

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Yesterday, after Taehyung gave me the medicine. I've been feeling more unwell. I puked once at night. And now I'm having stomachache. I didn't told about his to Jimin as he said that Jungkook is coming over. I don't want him to worry. But suddenly i got an urgent to use the washroom. So I got up and went inside.


Minutes later

I came out and went straight downstairs. Nobody was here. I looked for Jimin. Looking almost everywhere, I found him sitting in his garden with Taehyung.

"Jimin" I called him. Not wanting Taehyung to heard our conversation. He looked at me.

"Yes" I signalled him to come here. He got up and came to me.

"Can you talk to the doctor?" I asked.

"What happened y/n? Everything alright?" He worriedly asked.

"I'll tell you later but please can you?" He looked back at Taehyung.

"Taehyung, I'm coming in few minutes. Come let's go" he said and then took his car out and we left.


At the hospital

As we reached I quickly went to the receptionist.

"Is doctor Yoo here?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am she is here"

"Can I meet her. It's very urgent" she hesitated but suddenly.

"Sure Mrs. Y/n, please come" Doctor Yoo came. I lightly smiled at her. Jimin came from behind. Then I went inside with her and Jimin waited outside.

About half an hour later I came outside.

"All done?" Jimin asked. I nodded.

"What happened y/n? You don't seemed to alright to me?" He placed his hand on my shoulder. I was looked down.

"Let's go back home"



"Fine" he sighed.

Later as we reached home. I banged opened the door. Looking for him. And saw him sitting with others in the living room. I went upto him and grabbed his collar, making him and the rest stood up.

"What do you want huh? What actually do you want from me?" I said.

"What's happening here?" Jimin came.

"Why are you doing this? What actually in this world have I done to you?" Anger raged I looked at him. His confused face.

"What are you saying? Leave my collar" Taehyung said.

"Don't act innocent Taehyung" I harshly left him.

"I..I'll kill you" there was a flower pot on the glass table. I picked it up. When they held me.

"I'LL KILL HIM. DON'T STOP ME!!" I shouted.

"Y/N STOP IT" they force fully took it away from me. And some pulled in their arms.

"Y/n" Jimin said. "What happened?" I looked at him. Eyes got teary.

"Jimin...I've....lost my baby" I cried. They all froze to their spot. Two people who got the biggest attack was Jimin and Jungkook. On who cherished the most and on who was the father. 

"What?" Jimin said in his low voice.

"Because of him I list my baby Jimin. I've lost him" I said pointing towards Taehyung. The room was filled with your cries. You looked at him.

"You have your personal issues with me...then why are you hurting your own brother. Jungkook loves you so much. And the baby who has never caused you any problem. Why Taehyung WHY?!!!!!"

"Taehyung is hurting Jungkook?" Jin said frowning. With that I told then everything. The first time Taehyung and I met till right now. Guilt was seen in Taehyung's eyes with anger in elders.

"When I told the doctor that I'm feeling dizzy, I puked and was now bleeding. She did a test and told me that...." I trailed off. Jimin help me to get up from the ground and made me sit on the couch. Then someone came and sat beside me. It was when I felt that scent, that aura. I looked to my sit and saw Jungkook. We looked in each other eyes. And in no time, he pulled and in his embrace and I hugged him tightly and cried my whole heart.

Suga snapped his fingers and they left us.

"Shhh~~~~" he tried to calm me. He patted my back. Despite being broken too he is calming himself. But it's too hard.

On the other hand, Jimin for the first time slapped Taehyung. Taehyung just stood there.

"Jimin" Hoseok lightly pulled Jimin back.

"How can you do this Taehyung?" Jimin said. " Do you know how happy she was? Did you even thought once before giving her that pill?"

"But he didn't knew about her pregnancy" Namjoon said.

"He already knew it. From the starting. When I bought her here"

They were in shock. "He was at my place only"

"I'm sorry Jimin. I didn't knew that it will affect her" Taehyung said.

"Don't talk stupid Taehyung. If I could take care of her then why weren't you able to? It's just bullshit to talk to you right now" Jimin left.

(Jimin's pov)

When I went to Jungkook and Y/n. I heard him apologizing to her. I then went to them.

"Jungkook, you should take her back home" I said and he nodded. And then took her with him.

While they were going, Taehyung said.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I'm sorry Y/n" but they didn't said anything and left.


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