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(Jimin's pov)

I was driving when I got a call from someone, so I stopped the car and picked the call.

While I was speaking, I noticed Y/n sitting on a bench by herself. I hung up the call.

"Why is she all alone? Where is Jungkook?" I got out of my car and stood in front of her. She looked up at me and bursted into tears. I sat beside her and hugged her.

"What happened Y/n? Why are you crying? Where is Jungkook?" I asked but she didn't replied but hugged me more. I didn't know what to do.

"Should I take you back home?" She shooked.

What's upto her?

I didn't know what to do know. So I took her to my place.

At Jimin's house

I made her sit then walked in the kitchen and bought her a glass of water. She denied but I made her drink some. I waited until she got a bit calm.

"Tell me Y/n, what happened?" After that what she told me, made me shocked.

"Really?! He did that?" She nodded. I can't believe it.

"But still tell me everything Y/n. Maybe....maybe I can help you" I said. "Believe me. I'm like your brother too right. Then feel free to say" she gulped down and took few breadths.

"First of all, I'm 2 weeks pregnant"

"Oh my god congratulations" I hugged her from side. She lightly hugged me back.

"Did Jungkook know about this?" She shooked.

"I thought of surprising him but....more than him. I got surprised...by an unexpected guest"

I nodded. "Who?" But she didn't spoke and shooked.

"Because of him Jungkook thought that I'm cheating on him but it's not what it seems like....and he threw me out. Now, what am I supposed to do?" With that tears formed in her eyes. I felt so bad and angry. Like you the fucking shit cause this fucking shit. I'll kill him once I'll get to know who he was. I sighed.

"Ok....first. let's have dinner" I said.

"I'm not hungry"

"But the baby inside you is" she looked at me. I gave her a soft smile.

"You need to remember that now you have to take care of the baby too" she nodded.

"Good. Now come and let's have dinner" and with that I took her to the dinner table.

Later on I made her sleep. But still I can't believe. How can Jungkook leave her in this health. I took my phone and dialed Jin hyung's number. And told him everything.

"Ok hyung. Yes I will don't worry. No no it's alright. Hmm...ok bye" he told me to take a good care of her.

"I should call Taehyung. Maybe he can help me" I called him but it's switched off.

"Guess he is sleeping" I sighed and went to check on Y/n, weather she is asleep or not. I opened the door and saw her sitting near the window with a sad face. I closed the door behind and then sat next to her.

"Tomorrow I'll go and visit Jungkook" just as I said that she instantly looked at me. I saw her shinning eyes.

"Really?" I nodded. A small smile formed on her face. I smiled.

"Hmm...now sleep" and after that she slept.

I then went to my room and got in bed. Laying I was just thinking who and why that that have done this? What will he get from this? I picked my phone and tried Jungkook's number but he is not picking up.

I don't know what will happen tomorrow.


Hyy peeps, ik I'm updating after a long time but my boards are gonna start so I do have to study. And I'm super busy this time. So maybe late updates are maybe I'll pause for sometime. The better is to complete this ff before.

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