Chapter 4

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"My lady."


"The Grand Duke is going to arrive in the mansion the day after tomorrow." Nathalia announced.

"Oh. I see." Eurielle continued to sip on her warm tea.

She sighed deeply after feeling the warmth in her stomach.

There were a lot of things she wants to do but she was too tired to do them.

She wanted to go out but doing so would only waste her time.

There was nothing much to do despite of being free.

Maybe she was used to doing nothing since she was always trapped in her past life.

"And Matilda's Boutique have been looking for you since last week, my lady."

"I see." Eurielle continued to eat her cake.

She was currently sitting in the garden.

These days, Eurielle found her current dresses to be too uncomfortable. So instead of wearing those dresses, she just wore her nightgown since it was more light and comfortable.

Eurielle glanced at the flowers and they looked pretty.

Especially those roses.

"Prepare my dress."

"Yes, my lady."


"Oh my! My lady has finally come! Larah, you get the book."

"Yes ma'am!"

"So what style do you want Lady Deidamus? The trendy and exposed style? Or the sexy and cute one?" Matilda, the owner of the boutique asked.

This styles were what the past Eurielle usually wanted.

But it was different now.

"Give me the lightest dress you have."


"Can I have a pen and paper?" Eurielle asked

"Pen and paper? Ah, sure! Just a moment." She went to get a pen and paper. "Here you go, my lady"

Eurielle started drawing the dress she wanted to have.

Explaining would take too long so she'd rather show her the image so that the message will be conveyed more clearly.

"Here." Eurielle gave the paper to Matilda after she finished drawing.

"Oh- Oh my, this is a remarkable design. I never tried this one before." The designer muttered.

"And I want the colors to be pastel. I don't like dark and heavy colors." Eurielle added.

Matilda noticed her change of style. It was too much for a change.

"I understand, my lady. I'll do my best."

Eurielle wrote ten million golds in her cheque and gave it to her.

"What-" Matilda's eyes widened.

"I'll be leaving now."

Eurielle left the boutique in a calm manner.

Before going home, Eurielle decided to wander around the place and look for something interesting.

She doesn't know what this feeling was called but others defined it as... boredom.

Eurielle is bored as hell right now.

She noticed that there were a lot of people wandering around the place today.

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