Chapter 6

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Today is the day where the Grand Duke is coming home.

The Deidamus mansion is very busy preparing everything.

There are maid servants running around the place and the butler is busy managing and assigning tasks.

Eurielle on the other hand...

Is staring blankly at the man who's kneeling in front of her bed.

The same man who has blonde hair and jeweled amber eyes.

He's been smiling at her since earlier.

"What's your name?" Eurielle finally broke the silence.

"I don't have any. Maybe you can give me one." He answered, still smiling.

"Why are you here again?" Eurielle asked with a bored face.

"I'm here to serve my lady for the rest of my life."

"Oh. I see."

Eurielle really doesn't know what to do in this situation. She's never seen someone as persistent as him.

If there was an emotion that would define Eurielle's feeling right now, it would be annoyance.

"Alright. I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want." Eurielle stood up from her bed.

Asterion felt a bit glad that she finally gave in. Now, he was one step close towards his plan.

"I ask my lady to give this lowly servant a name." He drooped his head low, hiding the smirk on his face.



When Asterion heard what Eurielle said, he felt a hint of nostalgia.

"Rion. That will be your name." She reached out her palm towards him.

Asterion received her hand and stood up.

He found it quite weird that the name she gave him is the nickname he has in real life.

"It's an honor to have that name." He landed a kiss on her hand.

"What can you do?" Eurielle asked.

"I can do anything you want with your permission." He smiled.

Asterion is wearing his full, innocent mask on.

Eurielle was a bit taken aback when he said that he can do anything if she permits it.

Just how much exactly is anything?

Eurielle leaned beside his ear and whispered something.

*Knock* *Knock*

"My lady, the Grand Duke has arrived." Nathalia announced.

"Hm." Eurielle replied a short hum and stared at Asterion. "Stay here, Rion. I'll be back for a bit."


Eurielle closed the door and there wasn't a trace of her presence inside the room.

Only Asterion was there, still standing on the same spot where he stood earlier.

He couldn't sink in the words that Eurielle just whispered.

"Kill yourself."

"Pft- hahaha!"

Asterion couldn't help but laugh at what she said.

"This is kinda fun." He grinned.


As Eurielle walked down from the stairs, she slowly saw the image of her so-called father.

Grand Duke George Deidamus. Black hair and eyes like the night, Eurielle had the same description as his.

"Welcome home, father." Eurielle greeted.

The grand duke didn't expect to hear the word 'father' from Eurielle's own lips.

This was the first time she talked to him after many years of being in the battlefield.

"Prepare dinner." He ordered.

"Yes, grand duke." A servant replied.

The duke just ignored Eurielle and headed straight to his room.

Eurielle's expression remained the same and also disregarded what just happened.

She walked outside towards the garden and saw someone.

An unfamiliar face.

Chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes. Quite handsome she might add.

He was staring at her like he was struck by something. He smiled at Eurielle as he blushed.

He walked towards her and bowed. "Hello, my lady." He took Eurielle's hand and landed a kiss atop of it.

In this world, a man kissing a woman's hand is regarded as a sign of courtesy and respect.

"Hello." Eurielle responded.

"Are you my master's daughter? You're really beautiful.. like an angel." He muttered.

"You... look beautiful too." Eurielle just threw back the words he said to her since she doesn't know what to reply.

The man just continued to stare at her face with a flustered expression.

"My name is Theodore Hale. My lady can just call me Theo." He looked at her with eyes full of attention.

"Then you can call me Rielle."


Theo continued to mutter her name inside his mind and it brought a smile to his lips.


"Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing. Your name is also pretty." He displayed a real innocent expression, unlike Asterion's innocent facade.

Seeing Theo's face reminded Eurielle an image she saw in her past life.

In a certain book, there was this picture of a fluffy puppy who had brown fur and big blue eyes.

The puppy and Theo looked similar.

The way that Eurielle sees Theo changed in an instant.

She can't help but have the want to pet him right now... and she did.

Her hands ruffled and her fingers ran through his brown hair. "It's silky." Eurielle uttered.

She was like a curious little girl who saw a certain thing for the first time and explored about it.

Theo was surprise of the sudden gesture.

It was strange.

He was a person who disliked being touched by strangers.

This uncomfortable feeling started when a woman touched him out of nowhere when he was still a child.

Ever since then, he felt sick whenever someone touches him.

The time when he was in the battlefield and someone abruptly touched him, he immediately cut off that person since it felt disgusting.

But Eurielle's was different.

From the first time he saw her, he knew that kissing her hand wouldn't be a big deal.

It was like an electric shock ran throughout his body when he felt Eurielle's hand on her head.

There was no sense of disgust and loath towards her warm hands. Rather, it felt fulfilling and tickling.

Eurielle took her time in patting Theo's head til she was satisfied.

'Is this supposed to be the feeling of having a puppy?'

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