Chapter 44

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"Who- kyahck!"


Others say that men should never hit women but Theo cannot help but hit Abigail's face after seeing it.

Abigail rubbed her left cheek as she felt the burning sensation after the slap.




Theo grabbed her hair and Abigail felt like her scalp was about to get ripped off.

"Let go, you obsessed bastard! I will kill you! I will have my revenge on you!" Abigail hit his chest.

She still remembered the way Theo and the others looked at her when she got executed on the guillotine in the last life.

Theo was the same as ever, he didn't change. Even in the last life, he was still an obedient dog towards Eurielle.

"What are you talking about?" Theo had no idea what Abigail was squabbling at.

"I'm the heroine! Let go of me this instant!" Abigail kept moving like a fish that got out of water.



"GAGH!!" Abigail screamed as she hit her head with the tree after getting thrown by Theo.

Theo looked at her from above.

His mind was thinking of ways on how to destroy her.

Of course, he didn't want to end her that quickly. It would ruin the fun.

He stomped on Abigail's feet.

"Ouch! Get off your foot! How dare you disrespect the future empress?!"

There was one thing in this world that noblemen should never do to women.

Aside from violence, there was an action that gave a past empress a feeling of great disrespect and it was applied to all women in the empire.

And that is, noblemen stomping on a woman's foot.

But Theo's disrespect for Abigail for greater than that so he decided to stomp her other foot.


"Was it you? Did you try and kill Rielle?" He glared.

"Rielle? I don't know who you're talking about-"


"Stupid b'tch. Is your brain not functioning properly?" Theo motioned his hand in circle beside his head.


"All I hear from you is random screaming and barking. Let's be quiet for a moment."

Theo took out a random potion and forced Abigail to drink it with his hands.

"Bleurgh- mhmpp!"

Theo covered her mouth and made sure that she drank it.

Suddenly, Abigail felt drowsy. 'No, I can't sleep-'


And so she fell unconscious.

The grinned once again. He's grinned a lot ever since she saw Abigail.

"Now, now, how should I play with you?" He poked her head.


Grand Duke Deidamus was now facing the emperor, who was seated on the throne.

"Ge-George, let's talk, please. W-We can still think things through!!"

The emperor panicked as soon as he saw Eurielle's father intruding the main halls of the palace whilst holding a bloody sword.

All the emperor's guards were taken down in an instant.

George's eyes glared at him. He was ready to kill the emperor anytime now.

For his wife and for his daughter. For his revenge.


The tip of his sword almost touched the emperor's eyeball.

If the emperor moved even a tiny bit, he would've lost his eyes by now.

"Anything. I'll do anything, just don't kill me." The emperor offered.

"Get out of the throne." George commanded.


"Unless you want your eye gone, it's fine by me."


With that said, the emperor left the throne then George took a seat.

Because of this bloodline, he lost his wife.

"We-We can talk now, right?" The emperor had a crooked smile.

George raised his sword.

The emperor was happy. Raising one's sword meant that he was giving up.



It all happened too fast.


The emperor looked at his chest.

It was George's sword. The one that he raised earlier.

Eurielle's father didn't raise his sword because he was giving up. Instead, he did it because he was about to throw it like a dart towards the emperor.

And he hit the bullseye.

"Phuack-" The emperor vomitted blood. "You f'cke-r"


Alas, the emperor was dead. And so was his only son.

Their filthy bloodline finally came to an end.

Clayton killed the prince, Theo kidnapped Abigail, and the Grand Duke killed the emperor.

There was nothing better than this.


The next day...

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