Chapter 10

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"AAHH!! Nathalia, there's a corpse! Help him!"

A girl screamed as she saw the boy's critical condition.

"He- help--" He reached his hand towards the girl.

In a certain alley, blood was spread in the ground and the boy could only stutter for help.

Because of the girl's plea for help, her lady in waiting obeyed as she commanded.

"Yes, my lady." Her lady in waiting who didn't seem to age since then replied.

The girl and her lady in waiting tended the boy's wounds in a clinic.

"Let's go, my lady."

"But- he's not awake yet." She looked at the boy who was resting on the clinic bed.

Blonde hair and long blonde lashes. She wondered what his eye color was.

"We've been out for too long. Let's get going." Nathalia, her lady in waiting pleaded.

The girl sighed."Okay. Bye bye." She waved goodbye to the boy who was resting.


Slowly, the boy's heavy eyes started to open.

He knew that he was going to die earlier but it seemed like someone saved him. So he wanted to know who his savior is.

He sat up from the bed and saw someone beside him.

"Hello!" A bright girl greeted him. Chocolate brown hair and green eyes. She was an adorable girl.

"Are you my savior?" The boy asked.

"Savior?" The girl's expression changed a bit when he mentioned the word.

She grinned for a moment then smiled at him innocently. "Yes! I'm your savior. Did you rest well?"

"I see.." The boy showed a cute blush.

From that day onwards, he swore to protect the person who saved his life no matter the cost.



Asterion exuded a deep sigh as he recalled the forgotten memories.

He considered the fact that someone must have used his magic to alter his memories.

But who?

Abigail? She was just a naive and powerless girl who clung to the prince.

Possibility is 10%.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young master, it seems like Lady Brown has something important to say to you."

"She did not leave?"

"Yes. She insisted to stay." John replied.


Just like that, Asterion teleported to where Abigail is.

"Asterion!" Abigail greeted him brightly as soon as she saw his appearance.

"What is it?" His voice was cold.

It was like he lost his interest- no, he really lost interest towards her.

To think that he was barking at the wrong tree all this time..

Right now, the very person that made him angry was the girl in front of him. She dared to lie and make light of him.

"Is something wrong? You don't look too well." She reached for his forehead.

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