Chapter 5

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"Kya!" Abigail exclaimed.

Just now, Eurielle poured tea on her and expressed her hate towards Abigail like usual.

The other noblewomen also saw this and gossiped in the sidelines.

"That's what you get for seducing the prince. How dare you get close to him?"

Eurielle looked at Abigail with a face of disgust.

"I- I'm sorry." Abigail cried precious tears.

Somewhere far from the scene, a hooded man was hiding in the shadows.

Ever since earlier, he's been watching Eurielle's action with fierce anger.

'How dare she hurt Abigail.' 

Blonde hair and jeweled amber eyes...

There was only one person in the entire continent who had a description like that.

It was Asterion Ford, the master of the magic tower. A high class mage. A hidden villain in the novel who kidnapped the heroine.

In the original novel, Asterion regarded the heroine as his savior.

There was a time in the novel that before Asterion discovered his skills, he was severely injured.

Then a very cliché thing happened and the heroine took care of him.

Basically later on, he fell in love with the heroine's kind and loving character, so much that he became obsessed with her.

And seeing Abigail getting bullied by someone, hatred rose up within him and he swore to make that person pay.

"Eurielle Deidamus huh.." He grinned.

Based on his observance from earlier, the Eurielle in her eyes right now seemed like a despicable and spoiled woman.

Vicious plans processed in his mind and he decided that Eurielle must at least experience torture once in her life.

And so after that day, he followed Eurielle and observed her from the shadows.

Everyday was the same. He found Eurielle as a toxic and extremely annoying person.

He was waiting for the right time to destroy her.

But after a week, he noticed strange behaviors from Eurielle after that incident from the garden.

Eurielle was wandering thoughtlessly in the mansion and she pricked herself with the rose's thorns. And then she screamed in pain.

Asterion found it confusing when he saw that scene. But he also liked seeing Eurielle in pain. She deserved more for hurting Abigail.

And so, Eurielle changed. A lot.

She rarely went out from the mansion, she never went to tea parties nor go shopping anymore. Even the way she acted and dressed also changed.

It was like another person possessed her body.


Her presence.. it felt different.

Since that day, he found Eurielle always wearing the same expressionless face and the same emotionless tone.

She was like a doll.

Then one time, she finally decided to go out.

She attended a tea party and her attitude was different from before. She no longer bragged about anything and her toxic personality disappeared.

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