Chapter 15

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At the Nguyen estate, giggles and chatters filled the surroundings.

In the garden, different tables were placed in certain places. There are various of pastries served in the large table and other nobles took their time to savour the delightful flavours of sweets.

Under the warm sunlight, such an event like a tea party was held.

Eurielle wondered why nobles like these kinds of gatherings. It was just a pain in the head.. for her.

She looked above and saw clouds floating there like they were fishes in the sky.

"Is there someone we're still waiting?"

"I think Lady Brianna invited Lady Brown and the crown prince together."

"Oh my, is it true?"


The ladies stopped talking as their sight landed on Eurielle.

Meanwhile, Eurielle was in her own world. She was just looking at the clouds without any care like a curious person.

She noticed that the ladies were glancing at her so she just looked back at them.

"Is something the matter?"

They averted their eyes when she asked the question.

Surely it would be awkward if the crown prince shows up with another woman without knowing that his fiancé is present in the event. It would be a disaster.

But this was what they came for. They wanted to watch how the show will unfold.

"Oh, they're here."

"It's the prince."

"And Lady Brown."

Few mutters spread around the area as the prince and Abigail entered the venue.

They were holding hands and they looked at each other with warm and doting gazes. It was like the spotlight was on the two of them.

On the other hand, they pitied Eurielle. They wanted to know what her reaction would be once she sees them.

But when they looked at her, Eurielle was just staring at the rosebush planted nearby. She was easily attracted to its thorns.

"I greet his highness and Lady Brown." Brianna was the host of the party so she could invite whoever she wanted.

Maybe this is her plan after all. To trigger Eurielle and let others see that she wasn't the right candidate for the crown prince.

"Please take a seat here." She gestured them to sit right where Eurielle was.

"Lady Eurielle?" The prince raised a brow as he saw her.

"Greetings, your highness." Eurielle stood up and curtsied.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He frowned as he put Abigail behind him as if protecting her.

"As you can see, I got invited." She sat down.

"We're leaving this trashy place. Let's go, Abigail." He held her hand.

"Your highness-"

"Your highness wait! Please, stay for a moment. You've had a long journey from the palace after all. Please do it for Lady Brown." Brianna pleaded.

"Fine." He conceded and escorted Abigail to her chair. "Take a seat, Abigail."

"Thank you, your highness." Abigail blushed.

"Anything for you." He smiled

While the two were displaying their full romance, other ladies squealed from excitement and others, from envy.

Brianna looked at Eurielle to see her reaction but Eurielle didn't display any emotions. Her face looked indifferent.

'Tsk' Brianna gritted her teeth.

"Okay everyone. Since all of us are complete, let us start the party." Brianna announced.

After the announcement, maidservants walked in whilst carrying their own trays filled with tea sets and sweets.

Each nobles was given a tray and they were to customize their tea according to the flavor they prefer.

"Enjoy your tea, my lady." A maid uttered as she placed the tray in front of Eurielle.

"Hm." Eurielle spouted a short response.

The maid sneaked a glance at Brianna and she nodded. After that, the maid left Eurielle's table.

"Enjoy your teas everyone!"

With that, everyone started making their teas.

Some preferred their teas with honey and milk, while others liked their teas in moderate sweetness.

The crown prince helped Abigail with her tea and the two continued to be sweet and fluffy.

[A/N: no one cares duh ಠ,_」ಠ]

Eurielle on the other hand was just quietly sipping on her tea. She didn't care about what's happening on her surroundings and she focused on the flavor and sweetness of the tea she drank.

She liked her tea without milk but more honey. Hers was a blue flower tea topped with fresh lemons.

"Hahh." Eurielle sighed.

Suddenly, she locked gazes with Abigail and Abigail looked at her with fear.

The prince noticed this and he glared at Eurielle.


Few minutes after Eurielle drank the tea, she had this urge to cough since her throat felt itchy.

She covered her mouth as she coughed for a bit.

*Cough* *Cough*

She retracted her hand from her mouth and felt something wet and sticky on her palms.


Everyone around her suddenly fell quiet.

They looked at her with shocked gazes, confused with the sudden occurrence.

Far from Eurielle, she spotted a brown haired person standing with widened eyes. Those blue eyes were filled with shock, confusion, and fear.



Eurielle coughed another mouthful of blood and after this, she totally went unconscious.


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