Chapter 7

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Theo liked the feeling when Eurielle ruffled his hair. It felt soothing.

Eurielle stopped patting his head and retreated her hands.

He felt a bit disappointed when she stopped her actions.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I have a business with master." He took a piece of her hair and played with it.

Eurielle's hair went up to her thighs and it was very attractive to look at.

"My father?"

Theo nodded. He continued to play with Eurielle's hair. Her hair was dark like his master's.

"My lady." A voice called out.

Someone walked towards where Eurielle is and that person's image slowly appeared.


Asterion smiled at her. He walked past Theo and treated him like he was never there in the first place.

"I was waiting for you." He knelt in front of Eurielle.

"Oh." She forgot about him.

"Rielle." Theo uttered. "Who is this man?" He glared at Asterion.

Asterion met his gaze and also fired him back a murderous glare.

They were looking at each other fiercely.

"My lady, the grand duke called for you." Nathalia announced.


Eurielle followed Nathalia and left the two men alone.


She just ditched them without even looking back at least once.




Inside the dining room, only the sound of utensils were heard.

Ever since dinner started, there wasn't an ounce of interaction between the grand duke and Eurielle.

"Eurielle." Finally, her father broke the silence.

"Yes, father?"

"There's an upcoming banquet four days from now. It's the crown prince's birthday."


The grand duke was quite a bit taken aback from her short response.

Though it's been a long time since he has last saw her, he knew that his daughter chased the prince like a madwoman base from his subordinate's reports.

"Prepare yourself by then."

"Yes, father." Eurielle continued to eat after the reply.

An escort approached the grand duke and whispered something to him.

"Let him in." The duke responded in a low tone.

The servant bowed and he immediately walked towards the door then opened it.

The door opened and Theo walked in.

"I've come, Master." Theo bowed.

"Take a seat." The grand duke ordered.

The table in the dining room was large and it had many chairs around it.

Out of all the many chairs placed there, he chose the one beside Eurielle.

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