Chapter 16

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Before the incident...

"You." Brianna called out a maid.

"My lady." The maid bowed.

Brianna took out a small sachet bag from her pocket. She walked closer towards the maid and hades the tiny bag to her.

"What is this, my lady?" The maid asked.

"Do you see that lady over there?" Brianna pointed at the woman beside the crown prince.

"Y-Yes?" The maid cast her sight at Eurielle. From her point of view, it looked like Brianna was pointing at Eurielle. "The one from that table?"

"Yes, that one. Before you place the tea sets, I want you to put the contents inside that bag in the teapot of that woman I pointed at."

"Bu-But my la-lady-"

Brianna leaned closed towards her and whispered,

"Your name is Jane right? Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard from the head maid that your father is sick. Your mother abandoned you and your siblings only relies on you. If one word gets out from you after this, not only you'll lose your job but you'll also lose your life and your family's. Are we clear?"

"Y-Yes, my lady!" The maid bowed in fear.

"Good. Now leave."

Brianna's plan was simple and chaotic at the same time.

Inside the tiny sachet she gave to the maid was powdered poison that lets you cough out blood after few minutes of taking it.

She wanted Abigail to consume poison and throw up blood in front of the crown prince while Eurielle was there. That way, the only suspect that would come to the prince's mind is Eurielle.

Everyone knew how Eurielle treated Abigail lately and if Abigail was to become victim in any unlikely situation, all eyes would be directed towards Eurielle. No one would even doubt it.

That was the plan.

"My lady!"

"Kyaah! Blood!" Abigail screamed.

Everyone panicked as soon as they saw Eurielle, who fainted on the table. 

Even the crown prince couldn't process the things that just happened.


Theo sprinted towards Eurielle in a flash and immediately checked her.

Her face was pale and there was blood all over her mouth and hand. Seeing all of this in front of him, fear crept up in Theo's heart.

He recently came back to look for Eurielle right after he finished his master's mission and this was the first sight that greets him?

He thought that he was used to in seeing blood in the battlefield that it was nothing for him.

But he never imagined that the same blood would become a big deal right after seeing Eurielle's state.

He carried Eurielle in a bridal style carefully.

"Let go of her. I'll take her to a healer." The prince interrupted.

Theo glared at him. He looked Abigail, who was behind the prince and threw him a grimaced look.

"Your highness should take care of the situation first and find the culprit.." The glanced at Abigail. "Before they hurt your highness's woman."

With that, Theo left the venue carrying Eurielle with him.

The prince felt responsible for the situation. He also felt guilty about Eurielle.

"Check everyone and tell me if there's something suspicious." He commanded the royal knights.

"Yes, your highness."

And so the knights moved as per the prince's order.

On the other hand, Brianna was worried. She bit her nail out of nervousness.

'This wasn't supposed to happen. Abigail should've been the one who got poisoned. What happened? It was so perfect..! It's that maid. It's all her fault.'

"Your highness! I saw that maid pouring something before serving Lady Eurielle! Check her!" Brianna pointed at the maid she ordered earlier.

"M-Me?! It's not me! Please, spare me, your highness!"

"Check her."


The maid struggled a lot but then they found the sachet bag in her pockets.

"It's not me! Lady Brianna only ordered me to do it! She was threatening me and my family's life! Please spare me!"

"This maid is delusional, your highness. Please bind her before another poisoning takes place." Brianna bowed.

"Restrain that maid and put her to the imperial prison."

"Yes, your highness."

"Your highness," Abigail tugged his sleeve.

"It's alright, Abigail. Nothing bad is going to happen anymore."

As Brianna looked at the two love birds, she gritted her teeth out of frustration.

'That place should've been mine. Tsk. The plan was perfect but it's ruined because of that maid.'

The whole venue was in chaos and the party ended halfway because of the incident.


Theo rode the carriage with an unconscious Eurielle.

Earlier after he left the Nguyen estate, he made Eurielle drink a healing potion that he always bring with him wherever he goes. It became a habit to bring a healing potion ever since he went to the battlefield.

Right now, Eurielle was safe and she was just resting peacefully.

He stared at her face and wiped the blood that was lying on her lips.


Should I kill the people who hurt you?"

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