Chapter 23

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At the Imperial Palace...

Gabriel just woke up and he beheld himself inside his room.


It felt like he forgot something.

'What happened? Wasn't I visiting Eurielle? How did I end up here?'

Gabriel felt weird this morning. He couldn't remember what happened after he visited Eurielle yesterday.


As he coughed, sticky blood spilt on his palm then his chest suddenly felt painful.


'What's going on?'

"Good morning your highness!" Abigail's voice echoed inside his room.

Abigail walked inside his huge room and she saw Gabriel spitting blood.


*Gasp!* "What happened?! There's blood! Help!" Abigail ran out of the room and screamed.


Gabriel's chest felt like it got squeezed or something. He touched his chest and it seemed like he broke a few ribs but it wasn't also the case.

His cheek and jaw also felt numb for some reason.

He couldn't understand it.

'Just what happened yesterday?'

All that happened yesterday remained a mystery to him.


At the Deidamus Estate...



In the dining area, the father and daughter duo just quietly ate their dinner together.

The Grand Duke glanced at his daughter and noticed the bandage on her left cheek.

Just thinking about what he saw yesterday made his blood boil again.


"Father? Are you alright?" Eurielle asked in a monotonic voice.

She wondered why her father suddenly broke the wine glass he just held.

"It's nothing. Did you put ointment on your cheek?" Her father replied, wiping his hand with a napkin.

"Yes, Nathalia helped."


"Also, I need you to sign something." Eurielle opened up about the annulment of the engagement.

It's already been a week or two since the emperor suddenly declared their engagement.

"Sign what?"

Eurielle looked at Nathalia and Nathalia immediately got the message. She went to get the papers and brought it to the Grand Duke.

"For an annulment to be valid, I need your signature."

"What the f'ck is this?" Her father growled.

"The emperor declared my engagement with the prince not long ago. But the prince was adamant in accepting it that's why he gave this to me." Eurielle explained as she continued to eat.

Eurielle cut the steak with ease as the knife was sharp.

She suddenly remembered the similar meal she ate before she cut her neck with a sharp knife.

'How mesmerizing.'

*Rip* *Rip*

The sound of shedding a paper was heard and Eurielle found out later that it was her father tearing up the annulment.

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