Side Story: Nathalia

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Nathalia here.

When did I begin serving young miss? A long time ago.

How old was I when I began serving her?

I forgot. As far as I'm concerned, age never mattered as it is not applicable to me.

Was she the only master I served? No.

There were tons of them. Some of them are not of this world, and some are from other books and stories. I have no idea where to begin if I start sharing it with you.

The author is too cunning. She's using me too much and she doesn't give me vacation.

I repeat, this is character overuse and if I could, I would report the author.

Right, I forgot that this side story of mine will have tons of fourth-wall-breaking. I hope it's alright with you. Thank you.

As for my time in this book, it was quite lovely I would say.

The author gave me a role where I could be truly be myself.

Sometimes I appear where the young miss wakes up, sleeps, or is hungry. And my job is just to take care of her. I actually like it a bit, seeing how similar it is to taking care of a pet.

My job is not limited to being a maid of course, I am also an assassin and so is my twin brother; Nathan.

We're actually not human and the author has a backstory for all of us including me, Nathan, Lyle, and John. If you're curious, beg the author as she's kind of a sadist to her fishes. Good luck.

Right, Nathan is young master Clayton Edevane's assistant so we saw each other a few times during this book was written. We had a few interactions and we just know each other's thoughts even without talking.

If you wondered why I suddenly disappeared that time when young miss Eurielle was pushed by a knight from the clock tower, the author refrained me from appearing since it was not part of my job. It was the male lead's.

I apologize if you think that I am ranting this without any emotions but you are correct, I am without emotions.

Young miss Eurielle is not the real emotionless princess here. It is I. But you need to slash out the princess because I am not one, and will never be. If you call me a devil, it's likely a compliment.

Every time I serve the young miss with desserts, I always eat the chocolate first. I thank the plot holes for making the readers not notice it.

Also, it was me who broke the young miss' bracelets behind the scene when she fell from the tower. It actually didn't break when she met the ground so the author told me to stomp on it. And I disappeared quickly before young master Asterion appeared.

I'm afraid I have to say goodbye to you since the author has almost reached the 500 word count.

But fret not, this is not the last time you'll see me.

See you in the author's other books.

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