Chapter 17

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The Grand Duke wasn't in the mansion yet.

He was still in the other side of the country since he was working according to the emperor's order. He still doesn't know that the emperor arranged a marriage for Eurielle and the emperor wants him to remain oblivious til she gets married.

Currently, the carriage that Theo rode finally arrived at the Deidamus mansion.

He carried Eurielle as he got off from the carriage.

At the entrance gate, there he encountered Asterion.

Asterion looked like he was waiting for someone. He looked at the unconscious Eurielle in Theo's arms an his face expressed displeasure when he saw it.

"What happened to her?" He asked in a cold tone.

Theo softly looked at Eurielle's sleeping face. "They hurt her." As he mumbled this, his face turned dark.

"Give her to me." Asterion opened his arms, gesturing Theo to hand Eurielle to him.

Theo didn't want to hand her to him but he was left with no choice. Eurielle needed rest right now.

"Please take care of her." Theo muttered.

"Don't tell me what to do." Asterion talked back.

"I'll get going first. I still have some work to do." Theo smiled innocently.

Of course we all know what kind of work it is—

As Theo turned back, his expression was that of someone who wanted to kill.


In the Imperial Prison...

It was already midnight.

"Mhmmp mhm.."

A muffled sobbing was heard in a certain cell.

It was the maid from the Nguyen estate who got framed by Brianna.

She couldn't believe that she fell for her lady's trap. Threatening her family and her life just to poison someone.. it was truly inhumane.

*Tak* *Tak*

The maid could hear footsteps walking towards her cell.

"You." The man's voice echoed in the deep prison.

The maid looked up only to see a brown haired man with deep blue eyes like the sea in the other side of the bar.

"Who- Who are you?" The maid stuttered in fear.

She thought that it was probably someone who would take her to get executed.

"Is it true you poisoned Lady Deidamus?" He questioned.

"It wasn't me! I don't even have any intentions towards Lady Eurielle! Please believe me!" Her voice shook as she felt injustice.

"Tell me everything about earlier's incident and I'll help you die a painless death." Theo muttered.

Honestly, she didn't care about anything right now. If she were to die, it's fine. But she also wants to kill Brianna before she dies.

"Ha, haha. It wasn't me. It was her. That whore. It was Brianna Nguyen. It was her who planned all of this! She gave me a small sachet bag and she ordered me to put the contents inside Lady Eurielle's tea. I didn't even want to do it! She threatened me and my family's life depended on it." The maid explained with tears.

"Please punish Lady Nguyen." She bowed. She wanted justice.

Theo stood silent as he heard her explanation.

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