Chapter 35

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Dark magic she says...

"I can't say."

"Oh? You don't believe in it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it. I just don't know if it truly exists." Eurielle answered.

"Hmm. I see. You really are interesting, Lady Eurielle! I've always wanted to be friends with you since a long time ago."

Though Abigail's tone was gentle and all, Eurielle felt something amiss. It was like her voice and expression didn't match.

"Some time ago, you treated me harshly whenever I'm around with the prince. You poured tea on me, you embarrass me in tea parties, you even harrass me openly in public. Haha."

Eurielle didn't know how she should interpret Abigail's words.

Maybe she was just recalling all the bad things that the original Eurielle did to her out of jealousy.

Yes. Jealousy is sometimes a serious sin. But the root of that sin is love.

Because the original Eurielle solely loved the prince, it led her to being jealous towards the person whom the prince caed for which wasn't her.

"But Lady Eurielle, you're acting strangely these days." Abigail leaned closer to her.


Abigail tucked Eurielle's hair behind her ear and chuckled.

"Lady, the prince is mine." She declared.

Of course Eurielle knew that.

Abigail is for the prince and the prince is for Abigail. They're meant for each other.

Like idiots.

"Yes, Lady Abigail. The prince is yours. That's why you're engaged right?"


Abigail expected Eurielle to react oppositely.

She thought that Eurielle would drop the strong act since she knew that Eurielle truly wanted the prince in the past.

Abigail believed in change. But change doesn't happen overtime.

That's why she became suspicious of Eurielle the first time she saw her some time ago.

She was totally different than she imagined.

Abigail smiled.

"Yes. Lady Eurielle is right. Thank you for congratulating us. It's my pleasure." She blushed.

"No problem."

"You are more than invited in our engagement party. It's two weeks from now."

"I understand."

Few moments later, the maid that Abigail commanded earlier finally arrived.

Tea was served.

Each of them had their cups and refreshments were placed on the table.

The maid took a silver spoon and checked the tea if there was poison. And fortunately, it was safe.

"It's honey lemon tea, Lady Eurielle. You may add milk or sugar if you like."

"Thank you." Eurielle replied.

"Please enjoy."

Eurielle took a sip on her cup and drank the tea.

It was sweet and tasty.

The lemony scent scattered around her and the sweetness of honey was also there.

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