Chapter 36

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"Good day, Eurielle." Clayton landed a kiss on top of her hand.

'It tickles.'

Clayton found her reaction cute as usual.

"Right. What did you mean by date?" She asked, her head tilted.

Eurielle wondered what this "date" is all about. She didn't know what it meant.

Clayton looked blankly at her.

"You don't know what a date is?"


"Dates happen when you go out and have fun doing things together with the person you are fond of. Something like that." He smiled at her.

"I see."

'The only date I know is a fruit.'

Eurielle recalled the time when she ate a date in her first life. It was served as a snack for every lunch.

"We even went one last time. But we got bothered by the crown prince so scratch that."


"Then, allow me to take you on a date now. A real one." Clayton offered his hand.


He escorted her inside the carriage and the journey began.


Eurielle leaned on her palm as she stared at the view outside.

'Looks pretty.'

She then lazily transferred her gaze on Clayton.

Her sight landed on his bright silver hair, then to his eyes like redstone, until it landed on his pinkish lips.

Basically, Eurielle was sightseeing Clayton's appearance directly.

'He's pretty too.'

"You're prettier, Eurielle." Clayton smiled with satisfaction.

"Huh?" She wondered why he suddenly talked when there was no conversation in the first place.

Eurielle suddenly remembered that time when Clayton also knew about her past life. How did he do that?

'Magic, perhaps?'

"It's written in your face." Clayton tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.


'That naive side of her... It makes me crazy.' Clayton covered half of his face as he leaned on the carriage seat.

A few long minutes after the ride, they finally arrived at their destination.


Clayton was the first to get off and escorted Eurielle later.


"Thank you."

"Let's go." He held her hand as they walked towards a certain building.

They entered a restaurant and Eurielle discovered that it was actually a dessert bar.

'Smells sweet.'

"Please take a seat." Clayton opened a seat for her.

"Thank you."

The two of them took a seat and faced each other.

An employee approached them and handed them a menu.

"What do you like, Eurielle?"

Eurielle looked at the menu and found the desserts' name hard to read.

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