Chapter 37

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"Lady Eurielle?"

"Huh? Yes?"

"As I said... I apologize for my behavior last time. Will you forgive me?"

Eurielle was brought back to reality as she heard a lady's voice.

She looked in front of her and saw Madison Chatham, the lady who invited her last time.

'...Why am I here again?'

Eurielle was actually half-asleep when Nathalia brought her here.

She remembered that she was just saying 'okay' and 'alright' while she was being woken up because she wanted to sleep more.

In the end, those answers of hers actually resulted here.

"Lady Eurielle." Madison called her again.

"Oh, yes. What is it?"

Madison looked at Eurielle with incredulity.

'What's wrong with her?!'

Ever since Eurielle arrived in her estate, she entertained her and flattered her in many ways just to ask for her forgiveness.

'I can't believe I already apologized seven times to her! Why is she spacing out?!'

Madison's father almost died from heart attack after hearing that her daughter disrespected Eurielle, the Grand Duke's daughter.

And so after hearing that news, he immediately taught Madison a lesson and told her to ask forgiveness from Eurielle. Even if she had to kneel or lick her toes.

"Um, I hope you could forgive my actions last time. It was really rude of me to do that to you. I'm sorry." Madison gritted her teeth.

Never in her life did she experience bowing in shame to other nobility aside from the royal family.

Eurielle lazily looked at her.

'I have no idea what she's talking about.'

Eurielle already forgot that event a long time ago. Such an incident wasn't worth remembering after all.

As Eurielle brought the teacup closer to her lips, she smelled that strange scent again.

The same one that Abigail served her once.

This put a frown on her face.

"Lady Madison, did Lady Brown give you this tea?" She asked.

"Ah! Of course-!"

"Don't tell her that I gave this to you."

"Not. Of course not. I-I bought this tea from a shop not long ago." Madison lied through her teeth. 'I wish that b'tch would die.'

Abigail willfully gave that tea to her when she heard from Madison that she'll invite Eurielle.

"This will calm Lady Eurielle's nerves. She will forgive you when she drinks it."

After hearing that from her, Madison accepted the tea just to try if it actually works.

'And I just can't deny anything from the crown prince's woman. Lest I die..'

Eurielle put down the teacup. She was sure that once she drinks it, her head will just hurt again.

"Well, whatever thing you did in the past, it's of no worth to me now."

"Then-!" Madison brightly smiled.

"I already forgot it a long time ago. And I don't care anymore."

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Lady Eurielle. It's my pleasure."

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