Don't worry-Angst+Fluff🌸🥲

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Hey guysssss, I just wanted to say that if any of you have requests, pls comment them. They'll all be written(Plus I need ideas lmao)

Langa's POV

"Reki!" I scareamed, as he was thrown against the side of the cliff. "Come on!" Cherry yelled. We both got onto his bike and he brought us to Reki. I jumped off and ran as fast as I could to his side. "L-langa" He said, trying to sit up, but that's when I noticed his head bleeding. "Reki lay down" I said, but he wouldn't listen, so I grabbed him in my arms and made him lay a bit. I ignored the growing blush on our faces as Shadow's car drove up. "Get in!" He yelled, so I picked up Reki and carried him to the car.

"He's gonna be ok" Miya said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't say anything, let alone nod, because I was shaking too badly. "Oh Langa" Joe said, sighing. He walked over and put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to lean against him. "He's ok. Don't worry so much kiddo" I didn't even know I was crying until Cherry came and wiped my face. "Reki's strong, he'll be fine," Cherry said, trying to reassure me. "How about I buy us food?" Shadow said, "Kojiro and I can get it" Cherry went to say, but Shadow insisted and Miya went with him. "I need to use the bathroom" I muttered, standing up. I slowly walked to the bathroom, feeling sick the whole trip down the hall. 'It's my fault' I thought as I entered the bathroom.

I began crying uncontrollably, falling onto the floor. I had only ever had a couple panic attacks, but I could tell this was one. It's not like I could call for someone, I was shaking too much. So I leaned against the wall and hugged my legs, praying Joe or Cherry would walk in, and after about 10 minutes one of them did. "Omg Langa" Cherry said, rushing over to me. "Shh, shh, it's ok. I've got you" He said, hugging me. He rubbed my back gently, trying to calm me down, and after a few minutes I did. "I-it's my f-fault Reki's h-hurt. I-if it weren't f-f-or me he wouldn't h-have raced against a-a-adam." I said, not being able to stop the stutterer. "It's not your fault sweetheart. He would have done it regardless" Cherry said, trying to reassure me. "Hey guys-" Kojiro said, walking into the bathroom. "Oh uh hey, Langa good news" He said, kneeling down and placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him, not wanting to talk in case I started crying again. "Reki's awake"

I shot up and ran out of the bathroom, listening to the chuckles of Joe as I ran. I ran back to the waiting room to see Reki eating what appeared to be a sandwich. "Reki!" I screamed, running as fast as I could to him. He stood up and held out his arms as I collided with him. I knocked us to the ground, "I'm s-so sorry. I d-didn't mean to" I said, trying to get up, but Reki held me down. "Can we go home?" He asked, sniffling a bit.

"Thank you for the ride," Reki said, getting out of the car. "Langs... Do you wanna sleepover?" He asked, facing his house. I got out of the car, and said thank you. "Let's get you inside Reki" I said, pushing his shoulder lightly. Once we were inside, his mom and sisters rushed over. "Oh my goodness, Reki, what happened?" His mom said, cupping his face. "I'm ok mom, I just tripped. But Langa took care of me" He said, elbowing me with his good arm. I gave a side smile, but continued staring at the ground. "Hunny go take a bath carefully." His mom said, handing him a plastic bag. He nodded and took it, walking up the stairs. "Langa dear, are you hungry?" His mom asked me. I stood still, not really hearing what she said. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of it, "Come dear" She said, guiding me to the table. "Reki does this all the time hun" She said, handing me a bowl. I looked at the steaming soup inside of it, noting how hungry, yet sick I felt. "It's my fault though. I should have protected him." I mumbled, "That's not true. Reki would get hurt regardless, plus, Reki would hate to hear you saying things like this." I looked at her, confused. "Oh hunny, don't tell me you haven't noticed" "Noticed what?" I asked. She sighed, "You didn't hear this from me, but it's a little too obvious he thinks of you as more than a friend."

I felt my face heat up, and I looked back down at the soup. "Can I wait upstairs for him?" Only if you bring a sandwich or something with you." She said, standing up. I nodded and waited for her to make one, then took it and headed up the stairs. I sat on his bed and ate, while listening to the humming of Reki from the bathroom. After like 10 minutes, the water drained and the door opened. "O-oh, I uh, wasn't expecting you to be in here" Reki said, standing there in only a towel. "I'm s-sorry" I muttered, covering my eyes. I heard him shuffle around and close a drawer. "Ok, you're good." He said. I opened my eyes, and Reki was fully dressed. Reki sat down beside me, "Langa" "I'm sorry" "What?" I looked at him, "I let you get hurt" He rolled his eyes and punched my shoulder. "Dude, you didn't let me do anything, I wouldn't have listened to you anyways." I turned to him and pushed his shoulder. He laughed and pushed me back, then turned around so his back was facing me, so I playfully punched him in the back.

Reki let out a blood curdling scream and doubled over, "Reki, Are you ok?" I yelled, jumping up and sitting in front of him. I could see and hear him crying, "Reki I'm looking at your back" I said, shifting. Gently, I lifted his t-shirt, revealing horrible bruises covering his back. "Reki are you ok?" His mom asked. I heard her gasp from the doorway, "I'll be right back" She said, leaving. "Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered, scared I had hurt him horribly by hitting him. "It's not that bad" He muttered, wiping his face. "Are you kidding? It looks like someone literally smeared black paint everywhere." I said, gently running my fingers across his back. "Langs, come here" I sat down in front of Reki, who was still leaning over.  He placed his hand on my knee, "Langa" "Reki I like you" I blurted out, I covered my face, not wanting to see his reaction. "That's no fair" I peeked out from behind my fingers to see him pouting.

"What's not fair?" I asked, moving my hands. "I was trying to say that" He mumbled, punching my arm gently. "You like me?" I asked, cocking my head sideways. "S-shut up" Reki whisper-yelled, pushing me backwards. I was smiling like an idiot, "Reki. I like you" I said again, loud and clear. "L-langa shut up!" He actually yelled this time, blushing like crazy. "I'm back hunny, let me see your back." Reki's mom came in and began pouring hydrogen peroxide on a cloth, "Hold on, this is gonna sting" She said, rubbing the cloth on his back. He screamed out in pain, so I grabbed his hand, letting him squeeze it as hard as he needed. "Reki, it's ok" I said, rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand. He was leaned over, and I felt something wet on my ankle. I peered down and noted the redness of his eyes. "I'm sorry sweetheart, it's almost done" His mom said, rubbing his arm. Reki squeezed extremely hard on my hand as his mom rubbed the cloth on his back once more. Once his mom was done she dried it, and put some band aids on the deep gashes. "Ok, ice cream. I'll be back in a few minutes" Once she left I gently pulled Reki's shirt down and kissed the middle of his back, blushing like mad after. "U-um Langa" He muttered, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He turned around and looked at me in the eyes, then began blushing.

"U-um, would ya w-wanna k-kiss me s-s-somewhere else?" He asked, turning the same shade as his hair. I took a deep breath and leaned over, connecting our lips for a few seconds. When I pulled away Reki leaned his head against my chest and covered his face with his good hand. A knock on the door scared Reki and he backed up. ""Here ya go" His mom said, setting the bowls down. "I'll leave you boys be." She said, walking to the door. "Goodnight" We both said goodnight and we began eating. "I'm sorry I kissed you" I said, looking at my bowl. "I'm not" He whispered, "Langa. C-can we be...""Yeah" And that was the end of that conversation.

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