Ice Skating Part Two-Fluff🌸

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Langa's POV

After we had put our boots back on, and gathered all of our stuff, we started heading back to his house. I looked over to my side to see him shivering. I pulled the extra mittens out of my pockets and handed them to him, which he took instantly. "Let's get hot chocolate" I said, grabbing his hand. We walked up to a cute little stand and each ordered a hot chocolate, "Crap" Reki muttered, digging through his pockets. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at him. "I forgot my wallet" He said, literally pulling out his pockets. "It's ok baby, I got it" I said, taking out my own wallet and paying for it. I was already planning on paying for it, and now I felt bad for making him worry. "Sorry" He mumbled, leaning against my shoulder as we waited for our drinks. "No I'm sorry, I should have said before that I was paying that way you wouldn't have freaked out" I said, squeezing his hand.

On our walk home we drank our hot chocolate, grateful for the bit of warmth we now had. "This is really good," Reki said, licking off whipped cream from his lap while I chuckled at him. "Let me have some," I said, reaching out my hand. At first he pretended to pull it away but then he handed it over and reached for mine. I sipped his, and had to agree that it was really good. "Dang, white hot chocolate is really good" He said, handing me my drink back. "I know," I said, smirking. As we continued walking our drinks got colder, making us move closer to try and stay warm. "Finally" Reki whined as we turned the corner and his house was now in view. I grabbed his hand again and held it until we got to the door. "Goodnight" I said, kissing his cheek. "You're not staying the night?" He asked, looking at me confused. "You never asked me to?" I answered, looking at him once again. "Please stay over" He said, blushing slightly under the outdoor light.

"Here" He said, handing me a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. "Thank you love" I said, taking them. I went down the hall and into the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. "Langa are you done?" Reki asked from outside. I opened the door and let him in, but he stood in the doorway blushing as I put on the shirt. "Jerk" He mumbled, looking away when he noticed me staring. I smirked and picked up my toothbrush, and then we brushed our teeth. "Reki sit" I said, digging in his drawer to find a bandaid since I knew exactly where they were from using them so often. I pulled one out, along with a wipe. He pulled up his pajama pant leg and held it up while I cleaned the dried blood. I could tell it was just a scratch, so there was no reason to freak out. "There ya go." I said, standing back up.  "It's freezing in here" I said, laughing as we jumped onto Reki's bed. "I agree." He said, grabbing a blanket and then getting up again. He went to his door and opened it, "Mommmm, can you turn up the heat" He shouted. "Reki dear, it's already up pretty high. If you boys are cold come sit around the fire" Reki turned around and I nodded, standing up to go to the living room downstairs. We made our way down and found Reki's sisters in the kitchen colouring, and his mom supervising. She smiled at us as we passed through the room.

We sat down on the couch closest to the fire and stayed still for a few minutes. Reki crawled closer to me and laid his head against my shoulder, grabbing onto my hand. "You're clingy suddenly" I said, smiling. "I'm cold" He mumbled, intertwining our fingers. I pulled his blanket over his shoulder again and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "Let's watch something," Reki said after a few minutes of silence. He got up and began looking around for the remote, eventually finding it and then sitting back down with me. We cuddled up against each other again, and scrolled through the channels to find something to watch. Eventually we settled on something and we began watching it for a while until his mom came in. "Here boys" She said, setting down a couple bags of chips and a couple cans of pop on the table. "Thank you" We both said, sitting up. "When you boys are warm enough, travel back upstairs because the girls claimed the TV for a half hour before they go to bed," His mom said, smiling.

We brought our snacks upstairs and climbed onto his bed. "Do you wanna watch something, or play a game?" Reki asked, sitting next to me. "Let's play a game" I answered, leaning back against the pillows. He grabbed two controllers, handing one over to me. "I'm gonna kick your ass" He said, sticking out his tongue afterwards. I smirked, "Remember last time you said that?" I asked. He blushed and turned away, "S-shut up. I'm gonna win this time." He mumbled, before turning on the playstation.

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