Reassurance Part 2-Smut+Fluff🍋🌸

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Reki's POV

I froze. "What did you just say?" I whispered, too afraid to move. He grabbed my face and turned me towards him. "I l-love you" He said, looking like he was going to cry. "H-hey, don't cry" I said, rubbing his arm. "I-I l-love you too" I stammered. This time he started crying, burying his head into my chest. "L-langa" He sobbed, gripping onto my shirt tightly. He started mumbling I love you over and over again into my chest, "Langa please" I said, twirling his hair on my finger. He cupped my face again, bringing his up to mine. "I'm going to kiss you" He stated, making my face turn bright red, redder than my hair. Without being able to say a word, two soft lips pressed against mine. I melted into the kiss, instantly pushing my lips harder against his. our lips fought for what seemed like years, until he pushed me onto my back, and climbed on top of me. He parted our lips to catch his breath, and then began kissing my neck. "L-langa" I mumbled, covering my mouth before anything could escape.

"Reki" I peeked through my fingers to see him looking down at me, hands on either side of my head. "I'm sorry" He whispered, going to move away from me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smashing my lips back onto his. His hands travelled up my shirt as the kiss deepened. I let his tongue explore my mouth as I focused on the cold fingers feeling around my chest. He pulled his lips away from mine and attached to my neck, biting and licking wherever he could. "L-langa, not s-so high up p-p-please." I tried my best to say. He moved lower, until my sweater got in the way. "Take this off.... Please" He said, getting shy about it. I smirked a little and pulled off my sweater and shirt, making my shiver.

"Are we..." I panted as Langa leaned over me, trying to catch his breath again. "If you're ok with it" He managed to get out. I nodded, and pulled at the rim of his pants gently. He smirked at me and stood up, pulling them off slowly. "Yours too" He mumbled. I stood up and pulled them off, looking at my feet. "What's the matter?" He asked, setting a hand on my waist. "I-I forgot that you'd be looking a-at my body" I muttered, subconsciously covering myself with my hands. He gently put his hands over mine, "Well of course I want to look at you, You're beautiful Reki" He whispered back, pulling my hands away and placing them on his hips. "B-but-" "Nope. You're not changing my mind" He said, gently pushing me back onto the bed. He climbed on top of me, and ran his cold fingers down my chest. I shivered, "Are you cold?" He asked, placing one hand on my thigh, and the other on the rim of my boxers.

He moved his face down close to my privates, "L-langa" I said, stuttering a lot. However, his face didn't stop there, and moved down to  my thighs,"Only I'll be able to see these ones " He said, before biting down on my thing. "A-ahh" I let out, covering my mouth instantly. Langa got up and walked over to my door, "w-wait! P-please, d-d-don't go!" I yelled, scrambling out of bed after him. He got to the door and locked it, turning back to me as I stood there, "Back on the bed Reki" I smiled slightly and laid back down, and Langa placed his lips back on my inner thigh, gently kissing....until he wasn't anymore. He bit down again, causing me to moan slightly, and then licked it afterwards. He continued doing this, slowly causing the bulge in my pants to grow. "L-Langa, Please" I whined, trying to pull my legs away from him. He smirked and wrapped his fingers around the rim of my boxers. He pulled them off in one swift motion, causing my dick to spring up. I blushed madly and covered my face as I heard Langa giggle.

Langa got up slightly and took off his own boxers. "Like what you see?" He asked, noticing me staring. I gulped and blushed, causing him to smile. He came back up to my face and gently kissed my forehead. "Reki" "Hmm?" "Do you have anything to...." I blushed again and pointed to my night table. He leaned over and pulled out a bottle of lube, smirking, "So why-" "Don't ask" I muttered. I heard him open the bottle, and I squeezed my eyes shut. "Are you ok?" He asked, cupping my face with one hand, I opened my eyes, "Yes" "Can I keep going?" He asked. I smiled, "Yes" I said, before smashing my lips against his. Suddenly, I felt him begin sliding a finger into me, causing me to pull my lips away from his and let out a moan. I looked up at Langa's face, noticing his eyes sparkling. He suddenly pushed in further, causing me to moan again, "Y-you're doing that o-on purpose" I said, trying to glare at him, but it didn't work because he pulled his finger out and then went back in.

He continued doing this for a few minutes before I felt him push in a second finger. I moaned louder this time, "Does it not hurt?" He asked gently. "N-no..." I answered, looking away. "You've done this before, haven't you?" He asked, smirking again. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore him, but he suddenly brought his lips to my chest again. As he pushed his fingers in and out, he began sucking on my nipples. After a few minutes of this, "L-langa. I-I I'm close" I stuttered, clawing at his back lightly to try and hold onto something. "Hey!" I said sorta loudly as he pulled his fingers out and his mouth away from my skin, "There's no being close until I'm inside of you" He mumbled. "Do you want me to wear a condom?" He asked, kissing my cheek. "I-it's fine. Y-y-you don't need to" I mumbled, feeling embarrassed again. He opened the bottle again, rubbing a little on himself as I watched, blushing like crazy.

"If it starts to hurt tell me and I'll stop" He said, rubbing my thigh. I nodded, closing my eyes as he leaned down and kissed me gently. I felt it as he began to push in, making me wince a little. As he got further, I gripped the sheets tightly, trying not to make it too obvious I was in pain. Once he had got all the way in he stopped moving, and began gently rubbing my arms, "Shh, you'll be ok." He whispered, kissing my forehead. After a few minutes I moved a bit, and he got the message. He pulled out slowly and then pushed back in slowly a couple times until he could tell I was ready. He picked up his speed, causing me to moan loudly, "Shh, you don't want your family to hear you" He said, smirking. I tried to roll my eyes, but couldn't when he hit my prostate. His hand instantly slapped over my mouth when I went to scream, "Sorry Reki, but I need you to be quiet." He mumbled, continuing to thrust into that spot. I began clawing at his back, not realizing exactly how hard it was. "L-Langs. C-c-close" was all I was able to get out. He kissed me, sticking his tongue back into my mouth. I felt the pit in my stomach build up, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I came on both of our stomachs, and a few seconds later I felt him release inside of me.

He slowly pulled out and sat beside me, catching his breath. I was also trying to catch my breath, Langa leaned down and gently brushed the hair from my face. "I love you Reki," He said, pushing his soft lips against mine gently. "I love you too" I whispered, closing my eyes. "Let me throw on some clothes, and I'll get a towel" He said, getting up. After a minute I heard the door open and shut.

Langa's POV

I went into the bathroom quietly and grabbed a face cloth and wet it. I walked back down the hall into Reki's room and made sure to close the door behind me. "Reki I got the-" I stopped when I turned around. He was curled up in a ball, asleep. I smiled and walked over to him. I gently rolled him over and cleaned him off, then got up again and got him clean boxers and pajama pants, and gave him my t-shirt. I put on a pair of his pajama pants, and then climbed into the bed next to him. "Langs" Reki mumered, turning over in bed to face me. "Yes?" I asked, rubbing his shoulder. "You're not leaving?" He asked, grabbing onto my hand. "I'll never leave your side" I answered, laying down so our faces were right in front of each other. He smiled and buried his head into my chest, wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped mine around him too, playing with his hair.

Side Note:

His mom knew what was going on so she turned on a movie in the living room and made sure it was loud enough so his sister's wouldn't hear them

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