Triple Date-Fluff🌸

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Requested by OneAceLiz , Sorry its so late lol

Reki's POV

"Langa hurry up" I whined, throwing a pillow at him as he put on a tank top. He turned around and pretended to look sad, "Reki" He said, making a fake pouty face. "Ok fine, I'm sorry" I said, sighing. He got up and swallowed me into a hug. "Can't we just stay here?" He mumbled against my chest. "No, Cherry and Joe asked if we wanted to join, it's only kind if we go" I said, petting his head gently. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I heard my sister yell, "Looks like they're here" I said, pushing him off of me playfully. He groaned and followed along behind me to the front door.

"Hi Cherry!" I said after opening the door. He smiled and nodded, "Come on kiddos" Joe said, wrapping his arm around my neck and ruffling my hair. We got to their car and got into the back seat, "Shadow and Oka are meeting us there" Cherry said, picking up and opening his book. It was still kinda hard to believe that those two were together, you'd never imagine it if you walked past them on the street. Langa gently laid his head on my shoulder, obviously still tired from our movie marathon last night. We pulled up to a nice looking restaurant around 30 minutes later. We all got out and went inside, seeing Shadow and Oka waiting for us on a bench. "Hey guys" Oka said, ruffling mine and Langa's hair. We got helped by a waiter, and seated in the outside patio area.

"So, do you boys know what you want to eat?" Joe asked after we had looked through the menu. Langa and I each said what we wanted, along with everyone else sharing what they were going to get. Eventually the waiter came over and we all ordered drinks, our food, and of course an appetiser. Langa and I dug into our plate of mozza sticks, while Kojiro teased Kaoru about theirs, and Oka and Shadow ate in pretty much silence, just looking at each other. "Reki," Langa said. I looked over as he pointed a stick at me. I smiled and took a bite, letting him eat the rest of it. I heard Kojiro laugh a little before yelling ow, and Kaoru mutter to "leave them alone." "So boys, how has school been?" Kaoru asked, trying to ignore Kojiro who was whining about Kaoru hitting him. Langa and I looked at each other and tried not to laugh.

We talked and ate for a while, catching up with everyone and everything we had missed lately. "Kojiro" I heard Kaoru try to mutter while we were all talking. I could see as Kojiro grabbed Kaoru's hand and he leaned into the touch. I smiled to myself and looked over to Langa, who was still stuffing his face full of fries and I giggled a little. "What's so funny Reki?" He asked, looking over at me innocently. "Nothing" I answered, looking at him adoringly. "So, dessert?" Kojiro asked. We all agreed that we wanted dessert, and asked for some dessert menus. "This looks good" I said, leaning over towards Langa and pointing at something on the menu. "I think this one looks good" He answered, "Of course you do" I said, smirking.

"I'm stuffed,"Shadow said, leaning back in his seat after we had finished all of our desserts. We all agreed with him and decided it was time to pay and leave. Langa and I went to both put in $20 each, but we got turned down. "We've got this boys," Kaoru said as Kojiro, Oka, and Shadow put money into the cheque book. We got our stuff together and began exiting the patio, going back to the cars. After saying goodbye to Shadow and Oka, Langa and I got into Kojiro's car again. "Thank you" we both said after they had gotten in too. "You're welcome boys" Cherry said, smiling at us. On the ride home we chatted about random little things here and there until we got back to my house. "Again, Thank you" I said, bowing a little. "Anytime" Kojiro said, smiling. We said goodbye and ran up to my front door. "Mario kart?" Langa asked, kicking off his sandals. "Heck Yeah!"

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