Pay me attention-Angst and Fluff🥲🌸

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Requested by ranhoes

Reki's POV

"Langa! Come over here" Someone from our class called. Langa walked over to the boys and began talking with them, leaving me at my desk. When the bell rang a minute later Langa walked out with them, leaving me alone. I sighed, knowing I couldn't have all his attention even if we were dating. "Guess I'll get lunch by myself" I mumbled, picking up my bag. I walked into the cafeteria, but when I walked in they were shutting the lunch line down. "Great" I mumbled, walking away. I went up to the roof, sitting where Langa and I usually ate together. 'I wonder where he is' I thought, sitting down. I pulled out my phone and began watching skateboarding videos, the thing I normally do when I'm trying to distract myself.

"Reki!" Langa said, running up to me at S. "Hey babe" I said, smiling. I had accepted that Langa was just caught up in the moment at lunch. "Do you wanna sleepover tonight?' He asked, grabbing onto my hand. I smiled, "I would love to," I said, blushing a bit. "Hey Snow!!" Some girls called from behind us. Langa let go of my hand and turned around, "Come here!!" They all said, fangirling over him. He walked over and began talking with them. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't see much of him again tonight. "Hey Joe," I said, walking up to them. "What's up kid?" He asked. "I'm not feeling too great so I'm going to go home" I muttered, and then turned away and started walking. "Wait Reki," He started, but I began running.

When I got home I went straight to my room, not bothering to answer my sisters who were asking why I was home so early. I locked the door behind me and closed my blinds in case Langa was to come knocking on my window. I changed into pajamas and sat in my bed, actually starting to feel sick. A while later there was a knock on my door, "Reki dear, are you ok?" My mom asked. "Yeah. I just don't feel great" I muttered, not moving from my bed. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" She asked, "No" I said, and then shut my eyes again. I was awoken once again to my phone ringing. I picked it up to see Langa calling me, so I ignored it. After it stopped, I could see that he had messaged me over 20 times, asking if I was alright and what happened, But I left him on read and went back to sleep.

~2 Days later~

Langa's POV

I slumped down in my desk after noting that Reki wasn't here for the second day in a row. When the bell rang for lunch a group of guys came up to me, "Hey Langa, wanna go to the corner store with us?" "No," I muttered, not lifting my head from the desk. They all walked away and left me alone in the empty classroom. I picked up my phone and opened it to Reki's and my messages. He had left me on read for the last couple of days every time I texted him, but I decided to message him again anyway. "I miss you" I typed out and sent. I put my phone down on my desk. I had gone to his house after I learned he wasn't at S anymore, but his mom said he wasn't feeling well so I left. Then I went again last night but Reki's Mom said that Reki said he didn't want to see anyone. I put my head down again, feeling like I was gonna throw up. I didn't understand what I did wrong. I thought I had been a really good boyfriend up to this point. I picked up my phone to see if he had answered, but I had been left on read again. I dropped my phone onto my desk and began shaking. I felt tears running down my face and I found it hard to breathe.

"Is Reki awake?" I asked Reki's sister, who had opened the door when I knocked. "No. But he hasn't been out of his room unless it was to use the bathroom or get food. He won't even eat dinner with us. So I'm going to let you in and you're going to fix my brother" She said, pulling me into the house. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked up the stairs and to his door. "It's been locked all day," His sister said. "How do I get in then?" I mumbled, "Here" She said, handing me a hair pin. "Shove it in that little hole and it'll unlock" She said, walking away. I took a deep breath and did as she told me. When It opened, I walked into his room and shut the door behind me. His floor was covered in used tissues, and there was a lump under his blanket. I walked over to the bed and moved the blanket so I could see his face. He was frowning, and his eyes looked a bit puffy. I felt horrible as I sat down on his bed, which woke him up. "What the hell?" He said, jumping up in his bed and backing up away from me.

"You're sister let me in" I muttered, looking down. "Why are you here?" He said. I looked up and made eye contact for a second before he looked away. "I miss you" I whispered, looking at my hands. I felt my bottom lip tremble. "Reki I'm sorry" I whispered as tears spilled out of my eyes. I heard him sniff and I looked up, "You have nothing to be sorry for" He muttered, wiping his eyes. "I made you hate me" I whispered, trying my hardest not to sob. "I don't hate you Langa," Reki said, sounding horrified. "Then why won't you talk to me" I said, accidentally letting out a choked sob. "Because I didn't want my jealousy to ruin your mood." I looked up at him, frowning. "And ignoring me wouldn't ruin my mood?" He looked away and bit his lips and I watched him cry. I sighed and moved over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Reki. What's really bothering you."

"I'm not good enough again" He whispered into my chest. "What are you talking about?" I said, getting scared. "I know It's unfair of me, but I feel like" "Like what" I said, gently rubbing his back. "Like you'd rather hangout with everyone else" I was confused, and I didn't understand why he felt like that. "Reki why?" I asked, hugging him tighter. "You spend lunch with everyone one else lately. And you are usually with the girls at S" He said, letting out a sob. I began crying again, "Reki. I've always looked back to see if you were coming, but you're always gone." I said, wetting his hair with my tears. "I've never wanted to leave you alone, I promise. I want to spend every hour of every day with you, but I'm afraid of annoying you by hanging around too much." He pulled away from my chest and made eye contact, "Langa I have never thought you were annoying."

I started crying harder, feeling horrible for trying not to hangout with him all the time. "Langs" "Reki I'm sorry. I promise I'll never leave you alone." I said, cupping both my hands around his face. He looked up at me as I pressed my lips together, both our tears combining as they reached our lips. I widened the kiss for a few seconds and then pulled away. "I love you" I whispered against his lips. "I love you too" He whispered, I wrapped my arms back around him and pulled him with me as I laid down. "I love you. I love you. I love you" I whispered over and over again. "L-langa" He whined, trying to pull away from me. "You don't want to cuddle?" "I do, but I'm freezing so I was gonna grab a sweater." He said, sitting up. "Here" I said, pulling off my hoodie since I had another shirt under. He blushed and put on the hoodie, then laid back down beside me. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked, pulling him into my arms. "No, Let's watch YouTube" He said, running a finger across my jaw line. I pulled out my phone, "I'm gonna tell mom I'm sleeping over first."

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