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Requested by Annialauren

Reki's POV

I was cleaning up my room since Langa was coming over, when my door opened. "Mom and I are back from the store. Here's your snacks for you and your ~Boyfriend~" Koyomi said, handing me a bag. "H-He's not my boyfriend" I muttered, snatching the bag. "Sure he isn't" She said, rolling her eyes and leaving my room. I scoffed and put the bag on my desk. Langa and I had only been dating for a week, and every time she says that it scares me that she's found out about us, even though she's been saying that since like the beginning of mine and Langa's friendship. I sighed and sat on my bed, blushing. I knew she would find out sooner or later, but Langa was shy, and wanted to wait a couple weeks to tell people. So much so that he planned a dinner with my family and his mom, next week, where we would tell everyone.

A while later, the doorbell rang and I ran out of my room to get it. "Koyomi" I sighed when I saw she had opened the door. She grinned at me and stepped out of the way. "Hi Reki," Langa said, smiling. "Hi," I said, smirking. "Ew, that's enough lovebirds" She said, with a stupid smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes, "Come on Langs" I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him to my room. "Use protection" Koyomi screamed, before getting scolded by my mom. I was a blushing mess when we got inside my bedroom, and refused to look Langa in the face. "Does she know?" Langa asked, sitting down on my bed. "No, she's just teasing" I mumbled, feeling my face cool down. "Reki" I took a deep breath and faced him,  "Yes?" I said, smiling. "Come here"

I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. I was pushed down onto the bed and pulled into Langa's arms. "L-langa" I whined, trying to break free. "But Reki, I'm cold" He pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. "O-ok fine" I said, wrapping my arms around him. "Do you wanna watch some skateboarding videos?" I asked, placing my head on top of his. He nodded and I turned on my phone, going onto YouTube and pulling up a video. Langa and I sat like this, watching videos, for about an hour before we both got hungry and bored. Langa listened to my stomach growl and then laughed, "Do you wanna get up and eat something?" He asked, looking up at me. I nodded and he moved, allowing me to get up.

We both went into the kitchen to see when dinner would be ready. "Hey mom," I said, kissing her cheek. "Hi sweetheart. Are you boys hungry?" Langa nodded and I chuckled. "Yeah, do you need any help with dinner?" She showed us what we could do to help, and we did the tasks until everything was ready. "Thank you" We both said as mom handed us each plates. We waited for the rest of my family and then we began eating, making small talk at times. "We're gonna go back upstairs" I said, walking up the stairs. Langa followed after me and shut the door behind him. "Reki" "Yeah, yeah, I know you're cold. Come here" I said, sitting down on the bed. "I'm not cold" Langa said, pouting still at the door. "Then what's wrong babe?" Langa's face turned bright red and he looked at the ground. I smirked, knowing he gets easily flustered when I call him little pet names. "Baby~" "R-Reki" He whined, covering his face. "Oh come here Langs" I said, chuckling. He walked over and stood at the edge of the bed, still covering his face. I grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away from his face.

"S-stop looking at me like that" He whined, blushing again. I smirked, "Why?" I asked innocently. He whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut. "Ok, ok, I'm done. Come here" I said, laying back on the bed. He crawled onto the bed beside me and cuddled up on my chest. "I'm sorry" I whispered, playing with his hair. He hummed in response, "Reki" I stopped playing with his hair and met eyes with him. "Yes Langa?" "I want a kiss" This time it was my turn to be a blushing mess. My face was definitely the same shade as my hair, "Reki~" "No." Was all I could mumble, trying to push him away from me. "Why not?" He asked, sounding sad. I opened my eyes to see him pouting like a toddler. "F-fine." I whispered, looking to the side. He smiled and leaned in, cupping my face. Slowly, he brought his face to mine, and pushed his lips up against mine. Our lips danced together, fighting for domination, when we heard a giggle behind us.

We pulled away quickly to see Koyomi giggling in the doorway. "So he's "Not your boyfriend"?" She asked, smirking. I couldn't manage to form any words as she sat there staring at us. After a few seconds I finally mustered up some courage, "Please don't tell anyone" I said, wanting to defend Langa, who was looking down at his lap and not saying anything. "Hmm" She said, making a thinking face. "Koyomi please" I pleaded. "Teach me how to skate then." "What?" "You teach me how to skate, or I'll go tell everyone right now that you and Langa are dating.""Ok, Ok, I'll teach you. Just please don't tell people yet." She gave a sinister smile, "Deal" She said, skipping out of the room and shutting the door behind her. I looked over to Langa, who hadn't moved. "Langs?" "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" He said, his face bright red. "It's ok, I don't mind" I said, smiling as I cupped his face. "Reki" He whispered as I brought my lips back to his. I smiled before pressing my lips against his.

Hey besties!!! I'm fully caught up on requests now, so please leave more that you have!!!

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