The Back Shed-Smut🍋

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Requested by InstantCupRamenUwU

Langa's POV

Reki and I were skating around his neighborhood with his sisters. However, I had a dream last night, and now I couldn't stop feeling horny. Though I'm very good at hiding it. "Langa!" Reki yelled, bumping into me playfully. "You ok? You're spacing out" He said, raising an eyebrow. I looked to the side, trying not to think of anything bad, "I'm ok Reki" I muttered. He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me along to catch up with his sisters. We rode around for a bit more, helping his sisters stand on theirs and get up after they had fallen every once in a while. "Guys hold on a second," Reki said, bending over. I blushed, trying to make it not noticeable that I was staring at his ass as he tied his shoe when suddenly I got an idea. As we continued skating back to Reki's house, I put my plan into action. I pretended to trip off my board and fall, "Langa are you ok?" He yelled, running over to help me up. His little sisters came over and hugged my legs as I stood back up, wiping my hands on my sweater, "I'll be ok, but I think my wheel is loose" I said. "Let's go take a look"

After getting back to his house and leaving his sisters inside with his mom, Reki and I went out to his shed. "Let's take a look at this" He said, turning on the light. He set the board down and flipped it over. "Weird, it doesn't seem that loose '' He said, playing with it. Suddenly he reached over the table to grab a screwdriver, making his ass clear. I couldn't hold it back anymore and I squeezed his ass. "L-Langa!" He yelled, trying to turn around, but it took a couple tries to be able to. "w-what was that for?" He asked, his face bright red. I didn't say anything, instead I licked my lips and smashed them against his. He moaned right away and wrapped his arms around my neck. I grabbed his hard-on through his pants, causing him to moan, which I used to my advantage and shoved my tounge into his mouth. I removed my hand from his crotch and replaced it with my knee, pushing it hard up against him. "L-langa" He moaned, scratching at the back of my neck a bit. I made my way up and under his shirt, pinching his nipples. "H-hey you k-k-know that's not f-fair" He whined, trying to make clear sentences as I touched his most sensitive spot.

"l-langs'' he whined again, resting his head against my shoulder. "what's wrong Reki?" I asked, stopping. "I-it hurts' ' He mumbled. It was just then I realized how hard he was, "I'll help" I said, unzipping his pants. I pulled them down till they were around his ankles and kissed his lips gently. I brought my fingers up to his lips and got him to suck on them for a few minutes while I gently kissed his cheek and neck to try and calm him down a bit from all the shaking and shuddering that was happening. I pulled my fingers away from his mouth and brought them down, "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and leaned his forehead against my shoulder, slightly gripping at the back of my shirt. He took a deep breath in as I slipped the first finger in, not crying out in pain like has happened in the past. "Reki did you-" "S-shut up!" he mumbled, shoving his face deeper into my shoulder.

I smirked, now knowing I wasn't the only one wanting something to happen today. "H-hurry up. Y-you already k-k-know I don't need the prep" He mumbled. I pulled my fingers out and pulled down my pants, "Uh Reki.." I said, realizing something. "Y-yeah?" He asked, looking at me worriedly, "Don't worry it's nothing like that" I said, stroking the side of his face and moving some hair out of his eyes. "We don't have any lube..." I said, looking a bit embarrassed that I hadn't thought of this before. "T-there's a b-box under that s-shelf" He whispered, pointing to the right. I walked over and pulled out the box, seeing a couple bottles of lube, a couple small toys, and a box of tissues. I smirked and walked back over to him, "D-don't say a word" He shot at me, glaring. I squeezed some of the lube onto myself and rubbed it around a little. I flipped Reki over, causing him to gasp, "Ready?" He nodded and I pushed the tip in. He instantly moaned, causing me to smile. I loved knowing that I could make Reki feel good. "L-langs, don't wait, '' he said when I stopped to let him adjust.

I began thrusting lightly, trying not to hurt him THAT much. He held onto the edge of the table as I got faster, eventually slipping. His hands slipped out from under him and he bent further over the table, making it easier for me to reach deeper inside of him. He let out a loud moan, panting my name afterwards. I let out a string of groans, before telling him he was doing a good job. This continued for a little bit before, "L-langa" he moaned, waving his hand a bit. I grabbed onto it with one of my hands, while the other one dug into his waist. I could feel him tightening, and I knew we were both close. "Do you want me to pull out?" I asked, rubbing small circles onto the back of his hand. "N-no" He managed to squeak out. I continued what I was doing, and sped up the slightest. He became a mess, knees starting to give out. I used my arm to keep him up just in case his knees fully gave out as I neared my high. without warning he came all over the table beneath him, and I followed soon after.

"Here" I said, gently helping him sit on the table while I grabbed some of those tissues I found earlier. I wiped him and myself off, then grabbed his clothes. "I can dress myself you know" He mumbled. "But you like it better when I do it" I replied with a cocky tone. He smiled and let me dress him, watching as I dressed myself. "We couldn't have done that in my bedroom?" He asked, pretending to be annoyed. "I couldn't wait any longer," I said, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back for a few minutes. "Do you want to go inside and cuddle?" He asked, smiling as I looked up at him. I nodded and he grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the shed and into the house.

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