Leave Him Alone-Angst+Fluff🥲🌸

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Reki's POV

'Come on Langa' I thought, being bored that he wasn't here at the skate park yet. I let out an annoyed groan and then flopped down onto the cool pavement. It was just before sunset and we wanted to come out to the skate park, it just so happened that Langa took a lot longer to get there than me. I heard footsteps coming from behind me and stood up, whipping around. "Hi Langa!" I said, smiling, that was until I noticed who it was. "Well, well, well, I thought I could sense a loser nearby." One kid from school said, walking up to me with 3 more guys. "What do you want" I said, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Hmm. Let's see. What is the most painful thing I could take from you?" He asked, walking in a circle around me. "I'm leaving" I muttered, trying to walk away. Something pulled my skateboard, which I was holding under my arm, and pulled me backwards. All the boys began laughing as I fell on the pavement. I rolled my eyes again and tried to stand, but received a hard kick to the chest.

"Did you really think you could just walk on out of here?" The "Leader" said. I looked at the ground, until I got kicked in the side of the head. I bit my tongue as my head hit the ground, "Stop it" I said, spitting out blood from my tongue. "Who the hell do you think you are Kyan?" He said, kicking me in the side again. "Leave me the hell alone." I yelled pushing him away. Two of the guys picked me up and held me up as I was kicking and trying to pull away from them. "You don't get to talk to me like that" He said, before punching me in the face. "You know, you were alone until that blue haired kid came along, and I could take him away from you in a matter of seconds." "Don't you dare touch Langa!" I screamed, receiving a punch to the gut this time. "I can, and I will. You think he wants to actually date you?" He asked, laughing a bit. "He probably feels bad for you since you're such a fucking loser"

I felt my chest tightening, knowing that anything he might say could be true. I knew I was weird, literally everyone knows that. And it's true, maybe Langa just feels bad for me...Would he leave me for someone better if he had the chance? I stopped thinking when I received a harder punch to the face. "Listen to me when I talk to you" He screamed at me. I looked at the ground, not caring about what they did to me anymore. This made him mad, and his friend threw me to the ground. All at once, they began taking turns kicking me, sometimes harder than others. I didn't even bother to fight back, I felt no need to. I knew everything they were saying was true. I was alone until Langa came. Everyone I tried to talk to just got annoyed by how much I liked skateboarding. I felt their kicks getting harder as I didn't listen to what they were saying. Suddenly, the main guy grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled my head out. I cried out in pain as it felt like my hair was being ripped from my head. "You think you're so fucking smart, don't you?" He screamed at me.

I received one more punch to the face, and then I felt something trickle down my face. "Let him go!" Someone screamed, and then ran over to us. I peaked over to see Langa run over, clearly on the phone with someone. "Please" He said into the phone before hanging up. "Let him go now" He yelled as he got closer to us. The guy chuckled and pulled at my hair harder, causing me to cry out again. "L-langa. Just go home" I yelled, before getting kicked in the side by another guy. Langa made his way right up to the guy. "I said let him go now," Langa said, looking pissed off. "How about, I'll let him go if you come with me." The guy said, smirking. "Go to hell" Langa growled, then looked at me. We made eye contact and I attempted to smile, but my face hurt too much to do it. All of the sudden, we heard the roaring of an engine, and we all looked to the side. Joe and Cherry hopped off Cherry's bike and began running towards us. "Aww, the poor baby needed to call mommy and daddy to save you?" He said, laughing. As Cherry and Joe approached us, the guy smirked and turned to me. "See, I could let you go. But I'd like to do this one more time" He said before punching me as hard as he could. I fell to the ground, hitting my head, as I heard everyone, beside those guys, yell my name.

Langa reached me first, putting my head on his lap. "You're ok Reki" He said, smiling. I smiled back and grabbed his hand, "It's just a bruise." I said, chuckling. "That's one pretty big bruise then," Joe said, leaning over me. "I'm gonna get Reki on the bike. Langa and you will have to walk" Cherry said, helping me up(They only live a couple minutes away). Everything was sore, and I could still feel some blood dripping down my face. "Here." Cherry said, handing me a box of tissues that he had shoved into his bag. I got on the bike behind him and held on, as we began driving away.

Once we got to Joe and Cherry's house, Cherry helped me off the bike, and helped me get inside. "Ok. Sit here" Cherry said, sitting me on the closed toilet. "I'll be one second" He said, running out. I heard the front door open and Langa call my name. "He's in the bathroom Langa" Cherry said, before running back in with a first aid kit. He pulled out some wipes and opened them, then wiped at something on my face which burned. I hissed in pain, pulling away from him. "Reki" Langa whispered in the doorway. Cherry finished cleaning the thing on my face and then put a bandage on it. "Are you bleeding from anywhere else?" He asked, standing up. "I don't think so?" I said, feeling dizzy. "Kojiro, go grab him some water and Tylenol." Cherry said, running out of the bathroom again, which Joe followed. Langa walked up to me and knelt in front of me. "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner" He said before laying his head on my knees. I ruffled his hair, "It's ok. Those guys weren't that bad" Langa let out a weak laugh, "Have you looked in  mirror?" He asked. I stood up, and shuffled to the mirror.

I had a black eye, a busted lip, and a patch on my forehead. "Damn" I muttered, before lifting my shirt. My chest and ribs were bruised, which made sense due to all the kicking I received. I felt Langa put a hand on my waist and I turned to look after him. He pulled me into a hug, and I pretended not to be in pain so he wouldn't think he was hurting me. "Come on boys" Cherry said gently, leading us down the hallway and to a guest room. "Reki, call your mom and tell her what happened and where you are so she doesn't worry. You too Langa, and you boys can stay here tonight so Reki can rest." Cherry said, laying another blanket on the bed. "I'll bring you some clothes you can sleep in." He said, before leaving. I sat down on the edge of the bed, "Langa. Can you help me get my shirt off please" I muttered, playing with my thumbs. Langa walked over and helped me get it over my head, before sitting beside me. He was quiet and I could tell something was bothering him. "Langs, I'm ok, I promise" I said, leaning against his shoulder. He sighed, "I was scared" He whispered, grabbing my hand.

After Cherry brought us clothes, we changed and sat on the bed. I leaned against the wall now, tired and sore. "Do you wanna nap?" Langa asked, sitting in the bed. I stared at him for a moment, before crawling over to him. "You're warm," I muttered, sitting onto his lap. "Reki, why don't you lay down my love" I smiled at the nickname, knowing he only used it when he was in a very clingy mood. I laid down, and then he laid beside me, wrapping his arms gently around me. "Langa" "Yes?" "I love you" I mumbled, closing my eyes. It was only now that I realized how tired I was. "I love you too Reki" He answered, running his fingers through my hair. As I began to doze off, I heard the door open and Joe talking to Langa, but I was too tired to pay attention to the conversation. I felt Langa's lips brush against my ear, "Reki, Dinner will be in an hour. So you can sleep" I smiled and tried my best to hum in response, before falling completely unconscious.

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