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Heyyyy, I hope you're all having a good day, and make sure to comment any requests you have!

Reki's POV

It was Saturday and I had been waiting for Langa to text me back all morning, when he finally did.

Langa<3: Sorry for not answering Reki

Reki- It's ok! Are you ok babe?

Langa<3- I'm not feeling too great.

Reki- Do you want me to come over?

Langa<3- I don't want you to get sick. I'm ok.

Reki- But Langs, your mom is working today, which means you're all alone.

I waited a bit but never got an answer.

Reki- I'm guessing you fell asleep, so I'm coming over.

"Mom" I called while running down the stairs. "Yes Reki?" She said, poking her head out from the kitchen. "Langa isn't feeling well, and he's home alone. So is it ok if I go over and take care of him?" "Of course sweetheart" She said, smiling. "Thanks mom" I said, hugging her and then running out of the house. I skated to the corner store and bought some medicine and popsicles, then headed for Langa's house. When I got there, I used my keys Langa had given me to get into the building and then his house, making sure to lock the door behind me. "Langa?" I whispered, noting that all the lights were off. I put the popscicles in the freezer and tip-toed up stairs with the medicine in hand so I could get him to take some.

I quietly opened the door and let myself into his room. His lights were off, and his curtains were closed, so I opened the curtains just to give me a little bit of light to work with. I snuck up to the edge of the bed and pulled back the blankets from his face, revealing a sticky, sweaty mess. I gently peeled his hair from his forehead, before deciding to go get a wet cloth to cool him down. After setting it onto his head, I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled my homework out of my bag. 'Might as well do this while I wait' I thought, getting started. After a bit, Langa began to stir, so I set my bag and homework onto the ground and crawled over beside him. "Langs?" He sat up fast and became a coughing mess. I rubbed his back until he stopped coughing, and then he spoke, "How'd you get in here?" He asked with a scratchy voice. "You gave me keys, remember?" I said, chuckling a bit. "Oh yeah he muttered, rubbing his head. "I'll go get you some water" I said, getting up. "Wai-" I turned around and looked back at him, "Yes?" "Nothing."

I went downstairs and filled a water bottle with ice and water, and then brought it back up to him. "Here ya go babe" I said, handing it to him. He held it to his cheek and sighed, "That feels nice" He mumbled. "Langa" He hummed the best he could and looked at me. "You've gotta take some medicine." I said, grabbing the box. "Is it gross?" "I don't know, but it'll help you get better." He gave me a sad look, but I continued, and poured the little medicine cup full of the red liquid. He took it and made a sour face before chugging some water. I giggled a bit, "Are you hungry?" "I'm always hungry" He muttered, glaring at me. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." I said, rolling my eyes. "I'll go make you some food" I said, getting up once more. "Wait Reki," Langa said, standing up and revealing the fact that he was only in boxers. I blushed madly, looking to the side, before taking a deep breath and acting like an adult. "What's wrong?" He stumbled over to me and leaned his head on my shoulder, "Please let me come downstairs. I don't wanna be alone" He said, pulling me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back for a few seconds, before pulling away. "Here" I said, grabbing a thin blanket from off the bed and wrapping it around his shoulders. I grabbed his water bottle and took his hand, "You can lay on the couch while I cook."

I helped Langa lay down and passed him the remote so that he could watch tv, and then I went into the kitchen to cook. "Langa, do you want ramen?" I asked. He peeked his head over the edge of the couch, "No" "Ok, what about soup?" "No" "Then what do you want?" I asked, leaning against the counter in defeat. "Grilled cheese" He answered, and then laid back down on the couch. I chuckled and got out everything I needed, and then got started. "Langs" I said, bringing two plates into the kitchen. When I got past the couch I could see Langa sleeping. I sighed and sat down in an open space, "Langa" I whispered, rubbing his arm. He woke up seconds later and looked at me, trying to act like he wasn't just asleep. I giggled and helped him sit up. "Here ya go" I said, handing him a plate.

After we finished eating, I took our plates to the sink and washed them off. "Langa. Do you want hot chocolate, or a popsicle?" I asked, "Both he muttered, standing up. "Where are you going?" I said, rushing over to his wobbly side. "I have to pee," He muttered, walking towards the bathroom. Once he got to the door I let him go and he opened the door. "I want a popsicle by the way" He said, closing the door after. I smiled and went to the fridge, picking out two and then bringing them to the couch. I waited a couple seconds until he came out and sat back down next to me. "Thank you" He said, taking the popsicle as he laid back down. "You can go home if you're bored you know" Langa whispered, eating his popsicle. "Why? I love taking care of you" I said, smiling. He smiled back and we chose a show to watch on the tv. After both of us were done our snack, Langa spoke up.

"Reki" He muttered, fiddling with his fingers. I hummed and turned my attention back to him. "Can we cuddle?" He whispered, peeking up at me. I smiled and stood up, "Move forwards." I said, tapping on his back. I sat down behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned and laid his head on my chest, sighing. "You should nap now" I said, running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I want a kiss" He muttered, turning away. I leaned down and tried to pull his face towards mine, "No! I don't want you to get sick" He said, blushing. I smirked and grabbed a tissue and folded it. Then I pressed it against his lips, then leaned in and pushed my own against it. We held our kiss for like 20 seconds, before I pulled away. Langa was smiling widely and looked very happy. I smiled knowing he was in a better mood, and laid back down. He followed, laying back on my chest.

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