Scrapes and bruises-Fluff🌸

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Requested by OneAceLiz

Langa's POV

"Langaaaaaaaaaaa, come onnnn. You're taking too long" Reki said, pouting after. I smiled and finally grabbed my board after tying my shoes. "Fine. Let's go" I said, taking his hand. He smiled and blushed slightly before gripping onto my hand. "Where should we go?" I asked, setting my board down on the sidewalk once we were outside. "Let's just ride around until we're too tired to anymore" Reki said, beginning to skate away. I smiled and joined his side.

We rode around, going to the skate park for a while, before deciding to go into the shops by my house. "We should get food" Reki said, picking up his board so he could walk beside me. I grabbed hold of his hand, making him blush profusely from being in public. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked, noting he may have been uncomfortable. "No" He muttered, trying to hide a slight smile. "Are you still sleeping over tonight?" I asked after some time had passed. He nodded and then stopped. "Can we eat at this place? It smells so good" He said, looking at me excitedly. I smiled, "Sure"

"We should go to the other restaurant." Reki muttered, looking disappointed. I knew why he was saying this, "Reki, I'm paying. Get want you want." "No I was supposed to pay this time" He whined, frowning. I sighed and then made puppy dog eyes, "Please baby?" I asked, smiling afterwards. He blushed and looked to the side, "Fine." I smiled, knowing when I call him pet names he can't resist. "Choose anything k?" He nodded. After we had decided on what to eat the waiter came and took our orders, and then we waited. "Can I at least pay for the dessert?" He  muttered, playing with his straw. I smiled lovingly, "yeah you can do that." He smiled and grabbed a straw wrapper before rolling it into a ball and lodging it at my forehead. We laughed about it until our food was brought out and we began eating.

"That was good," I said, leaning against the wall of the building outside while Reki tied his shoe. "It was really good. Thank you for lunch babe" Reki said, smirking after using the word babe. I smirked back, knowing he thought he was slick. "Let's go home now" I said, laying down my board. He agreed and we began riding back in the direction to my house. Along the way we did small tricks, that progressively got more and more complicated. "Look at the" I said, speeding up to jump something. Unfortunately, I didn't get high enough and I hit the side of the object, and went flying. "Langa!" Reki screamed, running over to where I fell. He rolled me over and grabbed my face. "Are you ok???" He yelled, freaking out. "Shhh, you're gonna make the headache worse with all the yelling." I muttered, sitting up. "We need to get you home," Reki said, trying to help me up. "Why? It's just a scratch" "You're bleeding, like all over the place" Reki said, trying to lower his voice, but it failed. I looked down at my hands and knees to see little pebbles stuck in the bleeding scrapes, then I felt something drip down my forehead. "Come on let's go" Reki said, grabbing my arm after picking up our boards.

"Ok, I'll meet you in your room,'' Reki said, running to the bathroom. I walked carefully up the stairs and sat down on my bed. I tried taking off my now ripped pants, but it burned my hands too much to try. "You still alive up there?" Reki called as he ran up the stairs. "Yeah" I mumbled, trying to bend my fingers. "Her, give me a hand" He said, holding out one of his own. He brushed away the rocks, and then cleaned it with a wipe, applying band aids after. "Now for your knees" Reki said. The blue denim was dyed brown around my knees, and the pants I had bought last week were ripped. "I'll get you new ones." Reki said, standing back up. "I'll let you take those off, and you can put on some shorts." Reki said, going to walk towards the door. "You could stay" I mumbled, undoing my belt. "I don't wanna make it awkward" He said, chuckling slightly. I sighed, "It's not a big deal Reki. It's not like I'll be naked." Reki sighed and stopped, "You're right. I was afraid of making you uncomfortable though." I smiled at the thoughtfulness, "Can you go into that drawer and get me shorts?" I asked, pointing in the direction of the drawer.

I hissed in pain as Reki brought the wipe to the ripped skin of my knee. "I'm sorry" He said while he continued to clean the wound. Once he was done I took a deep breath and laid on my bed, curling up to my blanket. "I'll be right back," He said, running down the stairs. He came back in with his backpack and sat one the bed. "I got you something" I hummed and looked at him through a crack in the blanket that was now wrapped around my head and body. "Tada!" Reki said, unzipping it to reveal two bottles of pop, and a bunch of snacks. "We can cuddle and watch movies" He said, blushing a little. I rolled and made room on the bed for him, and he crawled up. "I'm little spoon," I said, which was muffled by the blanket. I watched Reki smile and then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up against his chest. He pulled back the blanket from my face and stared at me. "What?" "You're really pretty" I smiled, blushing a little. "Thank you" "Does it hurt?" Reki asked, poking the scrape on my forehead. I winced a little, "Sorry" He said, then kissed it gently. I smiled and laid my cheek against his chest as he played with my hair.

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