Christmas Cookies-Fluff🌸

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Reki's POV

"Did we get everything?" I asked Langa as we walked over to the check out line in the grocery store. He looked over the list one last time and nodded. "Yeah, it looks like we got everything." We paid and loaded everything into my mom's car, who had been waiting for us outside. "You boys got everything on the list, right?" She asked, watching for us to get buckled in the back seats. "Your sisters want to help you boys" Mom said as we began driving home.  "That's fine mom" I said, secretly grabbing hold of Langa's hand, which was freezing.

When we got home we helped my mom bring in all the bags, and then we washed, and helped my sisters wash their hands. "Ok, you guys don't touch anything while Langa and I gab some things quickly" I said, sitting them both down at the table. Langa and I grabbed some bowls and measuring cups, and brought them all over to the table for the girls to help us make cookies. "Ok, so you have to be careful with most of the ingredients" I said, tying their little aprons around their backs. I glanced over to Langa, who was smiling at me. I blushed and smiled slightly as I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a cookbook. "Do you guys wanna make chocolate chip or sugar cookies?" I asked the girls. They thought about it for a minute, "Chocate" They both said together, laughing about it after. Langa came over and together we brought all the ingredients over to the table.

We spent the next hour helping the girls measure out ingredients, pour them into a bowl, mix them, and put them into the oven. "Ok, you go play now and we'll call you when they're ready" I said, ushering them out of the kitchen. Once they had disappeared into their room Langa and I sat down on the couch. "I'm tired" I sighed, stretching out dramatically. Langa giggled and looked at me. "What?" I asked after he stared at me for more than a few seconds. He smiled widely and leaned over, brushing his thumb across my cheek, "You had flour" He said, leaning his head against my shoulder after. I smiled and leaned my head against his, falling asleep after him.

~An hour later~

"Ki, Ki, wake up!" I heard the twins calling" I shot up, realizing I had fallen asleep with things in the oven. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked frantically, trying to get to the kitchen so I could make sure it wasn't on fire. When I got there however, the cookie sheets were already on the counter. "Calm down Reki. Mom took them out when we got home" Koyomi said, walking up behind me. I sighed and rested my head against the edge of the counter. "Do you need some water?" She asked, coming up behind me and gently putting her hand on my shoulder. "No, I'm ok. Why'd they wake me up then?" I asked, standing back up. "You told them you could have cookies when you took them out of the oven, but since you didn't take them out they didn't want to take any." She answered, shrugging. I smiled, "I'm gonna make them hot chocolate to go with the cookies, do you want some?" She smiled and nodded, thanking me, before running off to her room.

"Langa" I said, gently rubbing his shoulder until he woke up. "Reki?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, come on babe. I made hot chocolate." I said, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him up. I helped him into the kitchen, and he sat at his table, still rubbing his eyes. "Is it too bright in here?" I asked, running over to the window. He nodded and I closed the blinds so that way he could open his eyes. After all the hot chocolate was ready, I set the cups around the table and called the girls and my mom. "Thank you dear" Mom said, sitting beside me. The girls came running and instantly started asking for cookies. "Hey these are pretty good," Koyomi said, smirking. "Were you expecting anything less from Langa and I?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Langa, no. You?" She said, giving me a look after. I rolled my eyes and smiled as we all talked and ate the cookies.

Hey guys!!! I know Christmas was yesterday, and I meant to upload yesterday, but I was too busy to, so Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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