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Langa's POV

It was after school, and Reki and I were at my house doing homework. "Reki" I said, noticing he was doodling again. "Sorry" He said, smiling. I smiled back, taking note of how beautiful he looked. "S-stop staring at me." He muttered, blushing as he looked away. I chuckled, "Have you finished your work?" "Totally" He answered, sarcastically. "Come on babe, you've gotta do it" I said, sighing. When I looked up, Reki was staring at me again with his face red. "What?" "Y-you called me babe" He mumbled. I smirked, "Baby~" "S-stop it" Reki said, covering his face with his hands. I crawled next to him and leaned by his ear, "Baby~" I whispered. He shot up and turned his back to me. "I-I hate you" He muttered, stilling covering his face with both of his hands. I smirked again and stood up, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his shoulder. "L-Langa!" He exclaimed as I began sucking softly on his neck. He covered his mouth as I began sucking harder.

I had Reki pinned down to the bed at this point, my hands up his shirt playing with his nipples, and my knee in between his legs, pressing against his hard on. Reki let out a groan as I bit down on his collarbone. "P-please" He whined, grabbing onto my shoulders. "Please what?" "S-stop teasing m-me" he mumbled, looking to the side. I smirked and pulled his shirt up a bit, letting him know to sit up. He did, and I pulled his shirt over his head, taking mine off after too when he began pulling at it. I pushed him back down and began attacking his chest with hickies. I made my way to his nipples and began sucking on them, sometimes biting around them gently. While doing this, I moved my hand down and began rubbing his hard on. "L-langaa" He whined again, trying to move his hips to create more friction.

I smirked and brought my lips back to his, shoving my tongue in when I made him moan. I began grinding onto him, decently fast, before completely stopping, and sitting up. I wiped the saliva off my chin and stood up, picking up my shirt. "Where a-are you going?" He asked, sitting up on the bed. "I was gonna go grab some food, you want some?" I asked with my back to him, but he couldn't see my huge smirk. "I" It was quiet for about 10 seconds before I heard sniffling. I turned back around and my smirk faded. "Wait Reki'' I said, running to the edge of the bed. I cupped his face and wiped his tears away as he shifted uncomfortably. "Shh, what's wrong?" I said, worried I had really hurt his feelings. "I-its' nothing. You can grab food while I go to the bathroom" He said, standing up. When he stood he made a weird face, and shifted his legs. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the bed. "I'll fix it"

I pushed Reki back onto the bed so he was sitting on the edge. "L-Langa" He said, his face turning red once again. "I'm sorry my love, let me help" I said, pulling at his belt loops. "Ok" He muttered, standing up. I pulled down his pants and boxers to reveal his hard on. "Sit" I said, moving closer to him. "You don't have to," Reki muttered, looking to the side. "Yes I do. I was being a jerk" I said, grabbing his dick. He shivered, putting a hand on my shoulder while the other one gripped the sheets below him. I licked the tip, looking up at him as he stared at me with his eyes full of lust. I put more of it into my mouth, eventually having to deep throat it. I kept myself from gagging as tears rolled down my cheeks. Reki let out a low groan above me as I sped up, moving up and down faster. "L-langs, slow down" He said, moving his hand from my shoulder to my hair. I sped up more, and after a few seconds he came in my mouth. I pulled off him and swallowed, taking a second to catch my breath.

"Better?" I asked, wiping my chin yet again. "Yeah," He muttered. I smiled, "Stand up" I said, picking up his pants and boxers. I helped him put both on, and then he pulled me into the bed. "First, put your shirt on" He said, laughing while blushing a tiny bit. I did that and then turned to him, "I'll order us food" Reki said, pulling out his phone. I crawled next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "Pizza?" "Yes please" I smiled as Reki put his phone down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and laid his head on my chest. "I love you" I said, playing with his hair. He hummed, "I love you too." We laid like this for a few minutes, "Reki" "Yeah?" He asked, lifting his head. "You still gotta finish your homework" I said, smirking. He pouted, "Jerk"

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