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Requested by Tsumulol

Langa's POV

"Langaaaaa" Reki whined, jumping in front of me while I was trying to do a trick. I tripped, thankfully not hitting him. "Shit, sorry are you ok?" Reki asked, kneeling down beside me. "I'm fine," I said, rubbing my arm. "What did you want?" I asked, sitting down. "I'm hungry," Reki muttered, as his stomach growled. "I'll get us some snacks from the shop. You wait here, k?" He nodded and sat down on the bench as I walked down the sidewalk and into the shop.

Reki's POV

I watched as Langa walked away and picked up my phone. "Hey, uh. I don't mean to be weird. But could you help me out?" I snapped my head up to see a guy standing in front of me. "Yeah, sure!" I said, standing up. "Thank you" He said smiling. "So what do you need help with?" "You see, I'm new to town and I've kinda gotten lost." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'ts no problem, I'll help you. Where do you need to go?" I'm looking for the shopping center. I swear I was heading in the right direction but then I ended up here..." He said, trailing off at the end. I chuckled, "No problem. Here let me show you" I said, pulling out my phone to bring up a map. "So we're here, you're going to go down this way, then take a left and you'll be there" "Thank you so much" The guy said, smiling. I smiled and laughed a bit.

We continued to talk for a few minutes. About directions, and then he started asking me about skateboarding. "So, you ride?" He asked, smiling. "Yeah, I love skating," I said, giving a bright smile. He chuckled a bit, giving a smile Langa usually gives me when I talk to him, like almost an adoring look. "You seem really passionate about skating," He said, moving a bit closer to me. I laughed a bit, knowing that if Langa were to see this it wouldn't end well. I stepped away without making it obvious. "So do you come here often?" I nodded eagerly.

Langa's POV

As I walked back, I noticed a guy talking to Reki. When Reki started laughing I picked up my pace, already feeling my jealousy rising. I set the bag down on the bench and wrapped my arms around Reki's waist and my head on his shoulders. "U-um this i-is" Reki started, "I'm Langa. His boyfriend" I finished. The guy laughed awkwardly, "N-nice to meet you." I glared at him and then looked at Reki, who was giving me a dirty look out of the corner of his eye. "So do you think you'll be able to get there ok?" Reki asked, smiling again. I frowned, but then got an idea. I gently began to kiss Reki's neck, earning a gasp from him. He ignored me and continued to talk to the boy about different types of skateboards and stuff. I felt myself get a bit angry and pulled him closer to me by the waist and bit down on his neck. "I-i'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to go" Reki said, rubbing the back of his neck. Reki grabbed my wrist with a death grip, "Langa, get your board" He said with his sweetest smile. I grabbed both of our boards and he death gripped my wrist again, dragging me away.

"Ow, Reki. Please slow down." I said, as he walked fast. He ignored me and continued to stomp back to his house. "You're lucky mom brought my sisters and grandma out today" Reki said, closing and locking the door behind us. "Reki-" "Shut it, and get to my room. Now." I took off my shoes and walked to his room, not looking back at him. I heard him walk in behind me and lock his door. "Shirt, Off" He said. When I turned around he was walking over to me, so I took it off. He gently pushed me backwards onto his bed. "Now Langa. Do you want to tell me why you were sucking on my neck in the skate park, IN FRONT OF someone else?" I gulped. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry" I muttered. "Too late" He said, leaning down to my neck and beginning to suck on it. I let out a small groan, blushing like mad. "If you're good I'll go easy on you" He muttered in my ear before nibbling on it. I moved my legs, trying to make my pants feel less tight.

"Want me to help?" He asked, smirking. I nodded, looking away as he pulled off my pants. "Reki," I whispered. He hummed in response, "Y-you too" He took off his shirt and tossed it away, and then got off me and took off his pants. "Langs, are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and he climbed back on top of me. "I'm cold" I whispered, putting my hands on his hips. "That'll change soon" He answered, smirking. He began grinding onto me, causing me to moan. "Langa. Why were you jealous earlier~" Reki asked, grinding harder. I tried my hardest to focus on answering, "H-he was f-f- Ahhh" "He was what?" "Fl-flirting w-w-w-ith you" I finally got out, moaning loudly after. He smirked and got off me. He pulled off both of our boxers and sucked on his fingers for a few seconds. He leaned down and smashed his lips against mine, before shoving in a finger.

My moans were muffled as he shoved his tongue into my mouth and began fingering me, eventually adding a second finger. "All the way tonight?" Reki muttered against my lips. I nodded desperately. He pulled his fingers out and pumped his member, spreading his pre-cum around. "Ready?" I nodded again and threw my arms around his shoulders as he slammed into me. Once he was all the way in, he stayed still, allowing me to get used to his size before continuing. "G-go" I said, digging my nails into his back as he began softly thrusting. "R-reki~" I moaned, moving a hand to his hair. I gently pulled on it, earning a small moan from the red head. He sped up, obviously searching for my prostate. "R-rekiiii" I whined, scratching his back. All of the sudden he slammed down into the spot, causing me to scream out. "Found it" He said, smirking.

At this point Reki's back was definitely bleeding, and I wouldn't be surprised if my ass was too. "I-I'm close" I managed to get out through choked moans. "I-I am too" He muttered, speeding up more if that was possible. My throat was killing me at this point, and my moans were becoming less and less audible. Without warning, I came all over our chests, causing Reki to release deep inside me. He pulled out, causing me to groan one last time before I fell limp on the bed. "I'll be right back," Reki said, putting on a housecoat and then leaving the room. I shut my eyes, feeling myself drifting off when the door opened again. I opened my eyes a crack to see Reki holding a bottle of water out for me. "Take this, I'm gonna go pour you a bath"

"That's nice" I muttered, sinking into the hot water. Reki hummed behind me and kissed the back of my head. "Hey, don't fall asleep," Reki said, trying to wake me up. I whined, so he began washing me. Once we were out, I sat on the toilet seat, wrapped in a towel, waiting for Reki to bring me clothes. "Thank you" I whispered, putting on the clothes. Reki helped me back to the bedroom, and I laid down in his bed. "Are you hungry?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I shook my head no and I patted the bed beside me. He crawled over and pulled me into his arms so my head was on his chest. "You're warm" I whispered, resting my head right over his heart. I listened to his heart beating as he watched something on his phone, holding onto me tightly. "Hey Reki?" He hummed, looking down at me. "I love you" I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead, "I love you too stupid Langa."

Hey besties!!!!! Please comment requests you have, I'm almost fully caught up so I can take more now!!!

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