♡ Prologue ♡

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Dazai carried Chuuya on his back even though he could barely stand himself, he was determined to get Chuuya to safety, he owed it to him. He promised Chuuya he'd reach him after ten minutes of corruption and yet Dazai had ended up having to deal with other things, involuntarily putting Chuuya as a lower priority than he would deserve to be at.

Dazai finally stumbled close to base and saw Hirotsu there, who called over backup to take Chuuya to a place of safety. Dazai turned to go and look where the rest of the Agency was until he stopped and looked at Chuuya who let out a small unconscious groan.

Dazai at that moment felt like he had to choose between the Agency and the person who had stood behind him since the moment they had met, he hated every second of it, it felt like he had no choice, like he really couldn't pick. Hirotsu saw the unsure expression on Dazai's face and nodded at him, urging him to go, Chuuya undoubtedly was safe, but the same couldn't be said for the Agency.

Dazai ran toward where his phone had beeped indicating where Atsushi was. As he ran he could see, just in the distance, Atsushi leaning against a tree trying his best to hoist Kunikida up.

"Atsushi-Kun!" Dazai called out, breaking into a sprint. Atsushi looked up at him and breathed out a sigh of relief
"Dazai-san-" He called out though he couldn't say much more as he was enveloped in a tight hug by the taller man. Atsushi felt Dazai's hands slip to the back of his head as if supporting it, the other curling around his back.
"You're okay," Dazai breathed out in reassurance, Atsushi dug his head into his shoulder, trying his best to suppress his tears.
"I'm okay, I'm fine," Atsushi responded as if he was reassuring himself and Dazai that he was alive. Dazai pulled away from Atsushi and gave him a sloppy, joy-filled kiss on his forehead
"Yeah..." he breathed out with a bright smile causing Atsushi to blush to the roots of his hair and wave his hand away in dismissal.

Dazai then hoisted Kunikida up by his arm and helped support him towards an ambulance
"I'm glad you're okay Kunikida-Kun,"
"I'm glad you're fine too, you walking disaster," the other replied with a weak smile, Dazai grinned broadly at him, feeling elated.


After that dreadfully traumatic experience, that had been bestowed upon them by non-other than the now-dead Dostoevsky, Dazai had gone through what some may call character development. It was little, barely anything but a seed, but it was something, and it didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

Of course, no one had any way of knowing that this was only the beginning of what would end up blooming into a beautiful flower,

History has a way of repeating itself and it most certainly repeated itself in this case. It was just like the first time Dazai was stuck with Chuuya, only this time it was him that triggered the change within their ideals, relationship and dynamic, not Chuuya.

But just like the first time, when they had met, Dazai had somehow realised that having Chuuya by his side was much better than being alone.


"Look Atsushi-Kun! This cafe looks so nice! Can we go in! Come on, come on!" Atsushi sighed heavily wanting to reject the brunet but when he glanced at Kyouka he found it hard to say no to her hopeful expression
"Alright let's go."

Dazai went up to the counter to order, a young seemingly shy girl came to take his order. Her face was crowded, with glasses, a mask and a cap that sat on her head,
"What would you like to order sir?"
"Black coffee for me, a strawberry crepe and some tea."
"Of course, that'll be six thousand yen," Dazai paid and then waited patiently.

He then decided to take in his surroundings and the space around him until he felt strong eyes bore into him, his eyes scanned the cafe but no one was starting, there was one blond kid who was wearing a black hoodie that looked sketchy but Dazai figured he was just being edgy.

The girl came back with Dazai's order, giving it to him gently
"Have a good day," she spoke timidly, Dazai thanked her
"You too princess!" he called out as he walked away.

Dazai, Atsushi and Kyouka spent about fifty minutes in the cafe, eating together peacefully until their lunch break was over and they had to leave.

Then it all began.

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