Chapter 30

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I sat pouring another glass of wine waiting for Ramsay to wake up. I was getting more nervous and unsure by the minute.

"Wife, feeling frisky are we? If you really wanted to fuck me again you should've just asked." Ramsay smiled at me.

"That's not what that's for Ramsay and you know it." I hiss

"Oh look at that, the feisty woman from the feast is back."

"Back when I thought I could change you."

"Darling look who changed. You're about to do something your family had outlawed generations ago."

"As of right now the North has no leader, so I'm free to do as I please." I picked up my knife and walked over to him.

"Do you want me to walk you through it?" He whispers in my ear. I hesitate and he kisses my head. What kind of dysfunctional shit is this. I wonder to myself. I look at him and kiss him one last time.

"I don't need your help darling." I replied, taking the knife to his hand and stabbing it through the palm. He screams in pain. So it begins.

When you get into flaying someone it gets easier with every stroke of the knife, his muffled groans of pain the blood covering my hands and face. The sound of skin leaving muscle. I realize that I haven't heard Ramsay make any sound for a while. I held a mirror to his mouth and nose and there was nothing. My husband was dead. I could feel something hot rising up in my throat and I started to feel my breaths getting shorter. I clutched the knife in my hands and I stabbed the body and then again, and again, and again. Then my hand slipped and I cut my fingers. I screamed with all of what I had in my lungs. I threw the knife away and started to cry, what's wrong with me. Look at what I did, I'm a monster no better then he was. I wrap my arms around my head and start to sob, by the gods what have I done. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I launched myself into their arms.

"Those cuts look deep." I could hardly hear the voice. My head felt like it was filled with cotton and the world was spinning.

"Make sure the doggies eat the master of the house." I sniffle my eyelids closing on me. I fell asleep quite blissfully.

It was warm in the room, I don't remember how I got into bed, or how I got bandages on my hands. My body felt heavy and my head was no better. I look around and realize that I was in mom and dad's room. This was supposed to be Jons room, he's the rightful king. I get up and tried to dress myself but the bandages were too thick on my hands so I put on a night dress and cloak and walked out of my room.

"What are you doing?" I spin around and see Sansa. I smile and hold up my hands.

"I tried to dress myself but whoever did the wrapping here did it a little thick."

"Let's get you some real clothes, Lady Bolton." Sansa smirks and I tense a little. She seemed to sense that it was ill timing and put her arm around me and led me to my room.

Once I was dressed I walked down to the hall where apparently there was a meeting between the lords and ladies. I snuck in the door and made my way to my brother. Who was looking grim as ever. Gods this boy needs to get laid.

"How are your hands?" Jon asked.

"Fine." I reply while pouring out some wine into my cup.

"There was quite a mess in the kennels after you were done."

"I do hope that those dogs were well fed."

"Well, from what I saw you helped them quite a bit."

"Who bandaged me?" I asked, changing the topic from the happenings of the night before.

"I have no clue, maybe ask around later on?" Jon suggested I nodded and then I settled down in the chair.

The lords and ladies were all seated and settled. I stood up and waited for them to be quiet. I scan the room and see lord Baelish leaning on the wall, still sniffing around my sister I assume, then Tormund was holding Talion and looking at me in a way that made me feel vulnerable.

"My lords and ladies. Some of you fought with us, and some of you fought against us. But regardless of where you stood on this battle we can all agree on the last king of the North, my twin, Robb. Before he was killed he wanted to change the succession order. But before I reveal any of that, I Lyanna Stark lady of winterfell and the dreadfort, wardeness of the North, eldest child of Ned Stark here by pardon Jon Snow from the night's watch, his heart did stop beating he was dead for days then was brought back, his watch has ended with his old life." The lords and ladies murmured amongst themselves. "And as for my brother's last wish, Jon Snow shall be next in line. Here's the proof, signed, dated and binding." I put down the piece of paper and then sit down sliding it over to Jon and Sansa.

"He may not have the Stark name but he has Ned Starks blood flowing through his viens and that's good enough for me." one of the lords says. I grab my sword and lift it high above my head.

"TO THE WHITE WOLF THE KING OF THE NORTH!" I scream, rallying off the energy that was in the room. I feel steel meet my sword and I look over and see Jon holding his sword up just like mine.

"I cannot do this on my own, you all very well know that, I coulsnt even run the knights watch without getting stabbed, I need my sisters by my side to help me run the north, the way a stark was meant to run it, To The Reincarnated wolf, and the Beauty of house Stark, To Lyanna and Sansa, the queens of the north." I smiled at him and stood proudly with my smile stretching across my face.

"Looks like you're more like Agon the conqueror then youd imagined." I jested as I punched his shoulder.

"So it seems." he replies.

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