Chapter 4

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When I finished with my bath. The water was a murky brown colour and I could already see the welts forming on my body.I wrapped myself in a sheath and then walked to my closet. The door then burst open. I yelled at I saw Sansa and Mom.

"What in the world are you doing here? You almost gave me a heart attack!" I shrike. I then fully look at mom, she didn't look too well. She was very tired and didn't look like herself. She was no doubt here to give me hell about my fighting but it is all well worth it in my mind.

"I hear that you were fighting." Mom says sitting me down. I look at the stone floor praying that she wouldn't be too mad. "And you won." I look at her face and I can see pride there.

"Just barely, thank the gods I had Arya as a squire." I say modestly.

"Well you're still a victor so we are here to help you get ready for your victory feast. I'm assuming you want the crown of Blue winter roses?" Mom asks a smile gracing her ill looking face I nod shyly and let the two get to work.

After I was done Sansa and Mother have made my look beautiful enough to challenge the queens beauty. With the help of some odd stuff the septa has put together. But i liked it it made my face more defined and sharp looking. Then Sansa picked out my southern dress that was made from Lys. Mother looked very disappointed in my sister's choice but let it slide, since it was after all a feast in my honour. After they were done dressing me, There was a knock on my door. And see my father with a handsome boy around my age.

"Father, bringing a boy to my chambers? How nice of you." I purr looking at this mysterious man.

"Not like that Lyanna, this is Dom-" Dad starts but I put up my hand.

"Domeric Bolton, Son of Roose Bolton, heir to the dreadfort, squire to the late Jon Arryn, and from what some of the rumors say quite the heart snatcher. But some of these rumors also say that your a sword swallower. But then again just whispers." I state the boy smiled at me his eyes were a pale grey like a patch of dirty ice. He ran his fingers threw his shoulder length black hair. Normally I don't like the look but he did look good with it.

"I can assure you Lyanna that the last rumor you spoke of isn't true." His voice was soft. A smile worked onto my face.

"So I'm assuming there is something more than just an introduction going on." I state to nobody-in-particular.

"I was going to ask you to the feast Lyanna." Domeric says. My smile turns from sweet and innocent, to the Lannister smirk. I hand him the crown of Daisies. As my answer.

"Maybe after the feast you can sing me a few songs." I say to Domeric he gives me a lopsided smile,

"If rumors are true you can sing quite well yourself." the Lord says I smile at him again, damn he was cute.

"Alright get ready Ly then come down ya?" Dad asks

"I am ready. And before you say anything, Sansa picked out the dress and mother has seen me in it." I state Dad looked horrified. So I latch onto Doms arm and then he leads me to the dining room.

"So any siblings?" I ask Domeric over a glass of my favorite dornish wine.

"A bastard brother, Ramsay. Hes... well." I can tell he didn't want to speak ill of his own kin.

"No dont worry Ive heard some things about him." I say. Dom nods slowly.

"So where did you get that dress?"

"It's from Lys, a gift from my 15th name day. To be honest with you i've not grown much since then."

"I see, so if you were to punch one of the members of the royal family who would it be?" he whispers in my ear. I start giggling

"I can't answer that!" I whisper yell back.

"So that the prince then?"

"Yes... and I have." i say over the wine glass. Domeric then starts laughing as do I. I look around and see that Robb and Jon were glaring at Domeric as was Father. But uncle Robert was trying to make my father feel better about it no doubt.

"You may want to watch your back Dom, The older males in my family look like they could cut you into tiny pieces." I say playing with the wayward strand of his soft hair.

"I guess that i'll have to try to sway them not to." Domeric says lightly. I try to stifle a laugh.

"They are northerners their bullheadedness won't see reason. They will only see the man who is making their little Lyanna soft." I take another sip of the wine to find it almost empty.

"I may be making you soft but you're making-" The heir to the dreadfort was then cut off my my two brothers.

"So Lyanna, what will you have us do for you?" Robb asks. He was definitely sober and angry, Jon was less sober but just as angry.

"Hmm... I want Robb to play the guitar and sing a song right now and I want Jon to dance with the serving girl who has been seeing through your clothes all evening. Onwards and Upwards my younger and we don't really know when you were born brothers." I smile and go back to the conversation with Dom. After those two did what I asked of them I told Dom that I was tired and needed  to head to my chambers to retire. He stood up and tried to keep the both of us from stumbling, he did an alright job if i must say so myself. When we got to my door I opened it and threw open my arms.

"As you can see i'm heading back to king's landing soon and have everything in trunks still. Well most of everything there are some clothing that's all muddy and gross. Did you see the fights?" I ask with a casual tone really wanting to show off.

"Yes I saw all of your fights, as did my brother. But I think that he was more interested in the blood that was shed then the people who were spilling it." I nod my head

"I sometimes get like that too. But I would like to meet this brother of yours. See if i can have a look into that brain of his." I say with a drunken smile.

"I can give you something else too look into." Domeric wiggles his eyebrows. I laugh throwing my head back.

"I don't open my legs for the first feast Domeric, no matter how charming they may be, or how drunk I am." I say brushing out my hair. Dom smiles at me.

"So how many feasts will it take before I get a kiss?" his pale eyes were pleading. I turn around and smile.

"That all depends on how well you sing in the morning. There's no way i'm letting you sing for me in this state. Then maybe, I can talk to this brother of yours. I love a man who I can try to pry the layers back. Do you understand?" I ask he nods

"It will be a nice change for Ramsay. He needs someone to want to figure him out, hells he'll probably enjoy it. Instead of everyone trying to run from him or sleep with him." I yawn.

"Okay Lord Bolton I'm going to pass out soon so come and see me in the morning with your brother, if you don't have him don't come around. I'm really to excited about meeting him now." I say he laughs

"That's a first he will certainly enjoy the attention." I get up and hug the lord good night and push him out of the door locking it behind him.

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