Chapter 2

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when I walk into the brothel and look at the keeper. Who looked me up and down I could almost feel him conjuring hands to touch my body. I bring my cloak back so he could see the hilt of my sword. He looked at me shocked with something else I couldn't place.

"I'm looking for Lord Tyrion." I state with a sharp tone that could cut the brothel owner in half.

"Room two m'lady." He sputters out. I give him a sarcastic smile. I storm into the imps room he was naked I grab a goblet of wine taking a sip I grimace.

"It's a harbour red horrid year. I've always preferred dornish." I state.

"That's wonderful to know little wolf but I'm sure you're not here to discuss wine with me." Tyrion states.

"Hmmm... your brother was worried for you and he wanted me to bring you back in time for the feast. You know you can't leave him there all by his lonesome. And Cersei's heart would break if you didn't show up." I put every ounce of sarcasm possible into the last sentence.

"Ah yes my dearest sister the queen." He responds equally sarcastic. I smile and clap my hands. The rest of the girls run in taking off their clothes.

"Be at the feast by sundown my lord!" I yell over the racket. I exit the room closing the door. What will become of this man? He'll probably just die from liver failure... Or maybe a jealous lover. I'll put my last golden dragon on both.

I put on my grey and green dress while strapping my weapons onto myself. You can never be too careful nowadays. I wander around until I find the voices of my sisters. I gently knock on the door and wait to be invited in.

"Come in!" Sansa yells I open the door and poke my head in.

"You should really ask who it is first little dove. For all you knew I could have been Sandor." I scold.

"Why would the hound come to Sansa's room?" Arya asked confused. I shake my head.

"It was an example Arry. Anyways I just came to see what you guys would like for a gift, since I've missed out on all of your birthdays. I have an idea for Arya and not you San. So favourite precious metals both of you go!" I shout.

"Valyrian steel!" Arya shouts back.

"Gold." Sansa responds


"I don't care for gems." Arya replied.

"Rubies." San says dreamily.

I laughed hard. "So Lannister colours?" I ask.

"Oh the prince is a true lion nothing like the king he's sweet and handsome." Sansa swoons over the prick.

Arya and I fake gagging while she went on about him. Joffrey has always been a little bastard and if I could I would exile him to Essos and make him see that being a pampered Westerosi means nothing.

At the feat I was talking to some of the banner men who claimed to remember me. Then they would proceed to hand me off to their son hoping that they would win my heart. But I usually make them all feel scared of me in some aspect, whether that is fighting, politics, or some even got scared because my vocabulary is bigger than their ego.

I look around and see Uncle Benjen. Thank the gods! I run over to him and hop into his arms.

"Uncle Benny!" I squeal hugging him with all the force I could muster. I hear a gasping noise.

"Who are you?!" He asks kinda scared. I put my hands on my hips and glare at him.

"Wow world's best uncle Benjen Stark!" I say to father who was beside me his smile was huge and warm.

"Lyanna fucking Stark jr. how you've grown! I was worried that Lyanna had a bastard who happened to be her exact double." Benjen touched my face. "You look eerily like her but with red hair... Ned did you do something to our sisters body so that she could somehow live on?"

" Language my poor young innocent ears you have defiled the purity of my brain." Dad lifts a bushy eyebrow.I sigh then continue. "And you sound like everyone who's met aunty Ly! By the old gods and new!"

"Seriously Eddard did you?!" Benny asks.

"I asked him the exact same thing." Robert says joining the circle.

"In the capital I'm known as the reincarnated Wolf. Apparently the gods saw me as to wild and pure so they put me back on the earth to be a second chance since my time was cut so short, but they made my hair red to signifying the fiery rage in my tortured soul." I say with a board tone in my voice. This was one of the only stories I actually liked the rest were utter rubbish.

The men look at each other. "Sounds about right." They all say at the same time I huff and walk out of the hall. I was choking from the stupid. I take a deep breath and then two voices grace my ears.

"All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes." Tyrion states bluntly.

"Not all dwarves m'lord." I speak up from the shadows.

"Little wolf, what would you know of being a bastard?" Tyrion asks. I give him a knowing look then the half man shrugs, backing away from the question.

"So what are your plans Jon? Father will most likely take the position hand of the king then where does that leave you?" I ask, bringing out my dagger.

"Seven hells Lyanna at a feast?" Jon scolds.

"This is nothing compared to king's landing. She usually has her sword and bow with her." Tyrion interrupted.

"It makes me feel safe... and I believe I asked you a question."

"I'm going to go and take the black." Jon informs me. I glare at him.

"Shouldn't you at least lay with a girl before you vow to never touch one?" His face goes red.

"I don't believe that this is a proper topic for a lady."

"Jonny I'll take any bastard you produce and raise it as a true born child of my own. I swear it by the old gods and the new." I vowed. But my brother shakes his head sadly.

"Well this was truly touching but I must retire." The imp says.

"I'll go to, good night Jon." I bid gently while walking away with the little lord.

"Well, this is where I leave you my lady."

"Thank you my lord. I hope that you rest well." Tyrion smiles at me

"It still amazes me how you can be around my sister so much but still be so polite." I laugh and shake my head.

"It's the Stark in me." I explained.

"Must be."

I then close my door behind me and fall asleep.

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