Chapter 27

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The north was bitterly cold but it felt welcoming, the snow called to my blood as it did to Cuanas. But the people were what made my ride to the wall unbearable. The land was torn between fear and their sense of justice. But the sight of the wall was soothing to me. Jon was there, my brother, Talion's uncle. it would be a shock to him since I haven't sent word for quite sometime now. When I ride up to the gates there are arrows on me.

"State your business!" A man yells.

"I'm here to see commander Snow! Tell him Lyanna is waiting for his slow ass to greet me!" They seem taken aback but open the gates for me. It only takes a minute after I see one of the guards go into Jon's quarters that he shoots out and zips down the stairs.

"You son of a bitch." He laughs.

"You son of a whore." I reply, taking off my hood he rushes up to me but I hold out my hand and push back my cloak to show Talion who's dead asleep.

"Is it yours?!" He asks tears gleaming in his eyes.

"No I have a random person's baby Jon." I scoff and walk closer to Jon. "His name is Talion Bolton." My brother picks him up and cradles him.

"He's quite handsome, just like his uncle Jon." He coos.

"Let's hope he's not as pig headed." My head shoots up and I see Sansa. I run up to her and squeeze her tightly.

"You have to meet Talion." I demand

"Of course I will." Sansa says with the biggest smile on her face. I almost had to break up a fight over Talion, because Jon didn't want to give him up.

"Jon Snow, it is Sanaa's turn." I chastise "and get my son out of the snow." I yell from the top of the stairs.

"Yes ma'am!" Jon salutes and follows close behind.

When Talion was settled dinner was served. Finally a hot meal that isn't paid for. I notice that Brienne of Tarth is here, along with some wildings.

"So my darling family, how does this happen?" I ask with a mouth full of food, pointing to the red headed one and to the lady knight.

"It's a long story." Sansa sighs.

"Good thing I'm starving then." I pour some more ale for the table, and take a swig. "And apparently we need to find a criminal brew master."

After a long and very modified telling of what happened between the table I stand up and crack my back.

"Well, I'm glad that the North is once again a whole, I'm also glad that you San finally grew your big girl balls." I tease. I dodge a fork and look at Brienne and the red headed wilding, Tormund. "And how long have you two been fucking?" Jon chokes and Sansa laughs.

"My lady there has been nothing of the sort with this man." Brienne snarls. I laugh and look at him.

"You could do worse."

"Well Lady wolf if you want me in your chambers later on-" Jon slams down his flagon.

"Not my sisters." He hisses.

"Well then, I guess you don't mind me training though do you?" I ask him in a condescending tone. "Or do I need your permission?" Jon being wise for a moment just took a drink and didn't get in my way. "Well do you accept? it'll be to first blood, can't have Jon losing his only friend." The wildling smiles and nods following me like a pup.

"You're sure about this little lady?" Tormund asks.

"Positive." I look up and see Jon with Sansa who was fiercely holding on to Talion.  I glanced at the wildling who had an axe crudely made I might add.

"Are you going to fight or just stare?" One of the watchmen yells. I look behind me and then hear a crunch. I move quickly and miss the axe within a blades width. I growl in retaliation.

"Good I was afraid I got you there."

"I'm not that easy." I smile

"Too bad you aren't." He replies, damn this man has a sharp wit to him. No wonder Jon never mentioned him. His stance seemed solid, no chance of getting him to fall, but his axe head seems to be the weakest point in the weapon although it would take a few blows to get it loose enough to be rendered useless, it may be my only advantage.

"That's a very handsome blade." Tormund comments

"Thank you, custom made actually." I reply smoothly leaving a gap so he'd attack. My open spot didn't go unnoticed by the fire haired man who swung hard. I stepped to the side and with all my might aimed for the head of the axe. The sound of metal sang throughout the air, the vibration shook my bones and stung my hands. The wildling pulled back for a moment, shocked then smiled at me.

"I see what you did... say we throw these to the side for now and not ruin your fancy sword." Jon was about to say something but I sheath my sword and hold it out for one of the men to grab for me.

"Very well savage, I'll have it your way."

"Savage am I?" His eyes had a mischievous gleam to them. I nodded and held up my fists. There was no way I was winning this the noble way, and I knew that this man is bigger then me in every physical way. Not that I minded. So I charged in and he easily caught me and pulled me to the ground.

"I like seeing you under me princess." He whispered in my ear. He was really enjoying this too much. But I had an idea.

"Fine what would you like for your prize?" I inquired, my lips grazing his ear.

"A kiss from you." He pulled his head up so it was inches away from mine. I smiled and put my hand on the side of his face.

"You wish savage." His eyes widened but it was too late my forehead collided with this face. He pulled back cussing but I saw some red drops in the snow so I stood up and bowed to the crowd. Some of the men started to laugh while Jon walked down to me looking disappointed.

"What did you say to him?" He asked.

"I said he could have a kiss if he won." I replied he shook his head.

"Just get some rest please?" I sigh and give him a hug then go off to bed for the night

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