Chapter 1

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I squirm from discomfort in one of my fancy dresses that the Queen demanded I wear. I try to put up a fight but to no avail she even put my hair up in the southern style that made my headache with pain. Contrary to popular belief the Queen had a soft side said only to be brought out with her children and twin Jamie. But I managed to squeeze my way into that side of her. It took be a few years but I made it! All thanks to woman hood and the bond it made. She soon found out that I was as cunning just as she is, even later finding out that I know of the true nature of her children's parenthood, Cersei's face was priceless. But Jamie just laughed and gave me an opening to win the match... I lost anyways.

But before I was in Cersei's good graces I was in King Roberts. He took me on as a ward when I was old enough to walk and talk on my own. He taught me how to be wild and rebellious, when ever he looks at me I can see sadness and pain in his deep set eyes. It most likely doesn't help that I'm named after his dead betrothed,and my aunt, Lyanna, and the fact that I was her double probably didn't help.

I've even been told by Pyter, and countless others that I'm her double, with deep red Tully hair, it was actually far darker than most Tully's i've ever seen. In court I'll often find him staring at me. Well not anymore since Lord Tyrion and I made a fool of him in court. Now he treats me a bit more harshly but luckily for me I've never fell victim to his game.

"Are you nervous?" Marcella asks her big eyes shining with worry for me.

"A little bit I haven't even met most of my family yet but Mother tells me all about them." I say looking out of my window I look at the greyish land and feel a sense of peace.

"How long has it been since you've been here Lyanna?" Tommen asks cuddling deeper into his furs.

"It has been 14 years." I responded dully. Jon and Robb must be good at fighting by now we always used to play with sticks and pretend we were knights.

In all of my reminiscing of the past I lost track of time Cerci gently put her warm hand on mine.

"Don't fear little wolf if they don't want you I'll gladly take you as my own. Lyanna Lannister." She jokes I smile and shake my head.

"I'll always have Stark blood in my veins I'll never be able to forsake my family that quick but I'll take the offer into consideration Cerci." I reply she smiles and walks out of the carriage.

Right as she left I let my dark red hair fall out of the updo and let it tumble down to my waistline. Once the royal children were out of the wooden prison I take my first breath of air from my home in what feels like forever. I look at the line of people and see Robert joking with my Father. My eyes widen and I bolt over to him and slam into my father's frame while pushing Robert out of the way. I hear Robert laughing and the warden of the north trying to find his breath.

"Lyanna let your poor father go he's turning purple at the collar." King Robert chuckles. I let go and step back so he can breath.

"Lyanna your more beautiful then I would have imagined you. The big city did you good." He says his grey eyes were warm and filled with so many emotions.

"I've missed you old man!" I joked. Dad rolls his eyes.

"Just like your aunt." Robert muttered lowly to father.

I shake my head and see mom. She didn't say a word she just wrapped me in her arms and wouldn't let go of me.

"My oldest child finally back where you belong." She whispered to me.

"Thank you for telling lord Baelish to watch after me it was very nice to have him on my side as painful as it is to admit." I murmur to her.

She looks at me happily then finally let me go. I look at who's next and I see the blue eyes that haunt all of my favourite memories of home.

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