Chapter 25

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Mereen was beautiful, the tropical weather reminded me of the heat wave we got in kings landing when I was still a child. The busy streets were bursting with life and languages I don't quite understand. I could only recognize the red priests that lined the streets talking about the prince who is promised.

"You look lost." I jump and spin to see a man with dark hair and a beard.

"You speak westerosi but I'm unfamiliar with your accent." I say keeping Cuana closer to me.

"That's because I'm not, why has a lady of high blood come to mereen?"

"To seek an audience with the dragon queen, I have something of value to her." I declare. He gives me a hard look and sighs.

"You'll meet her westerosi advisors first. I very well can't leave a pregnant woman on the streets." I give him a nod and follow him to the pyramid of the last Targaryen.

The climb was brutal, the ship ride has made me soft, or maybe it's the child.

"Wait here they will be here shortly." The man says then walks up the stairs behind the warriors. I move towards the chair and they tense up slightly. I glare at them and put a hand on my stomach in hopes that they understand.

"Lady Bolton." I recognize that voice...

"Dearest brother in law!!" I squeal in pure delight. I rush past the guards and hug him tightly. I let out a little choked sob.

"Shhh. It's alright now Lyanna, calm down and we can talk." Tyrion soothed while stroking my hair, quite easily since he was a few steps higher then me.

"Father would hate me if he knew half the things I did, but I did them to survive. Does that make me a bad person? Or a person who does evil to achieve good?" I ask looking into his mismatched eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up and properly dressed for the queen." Tyrion pats my cheek and nods at a woman I didn't notice before.

When I was cleaned up I was lead to a room with a beautiful view of the city I almost forgot I was here to bend the knee.

"Lyanna of house Bolton, wardeness of the North eldest child of Eddard Stark." Tyrion introduced me. I bow and see the beauty in front of me, she's around my age with violet eyes and silver hair.

"You stand before Daenerys stormborn first of her name..." a foreign girl starts to announce.

"Yes yes mother of dragons Dothraki queen, slave freer. I know the titles." I sigh. The court looks taken aback.

"Tyrion didn't lie about your odd manners I see." The woman finally spoke.

"Well I've had quite enough of titles, seeing as I'm here to surrender mine to you...with one condition." I speak carefully.  Tyrion rolls his eyes at me and sighs.

"Tell me of your condition." Daenerys commands.

"That you make my half brother, Jon snow warden of the North when you ascend." I see her choke on her wine a little.

"What in the seven hells are you thinking." Tyrion growls. I ignore him and keep staring at the girl.

"My twin brothers last wish was to make my bastard brother the next in line for the North if anything should happen to him, he died I signed it's all done, it just needs your approval, if you do this I will pledge my loyalty to you the North will be yours through me and Jon, I swear it by all the gods."

"And what makes the North yours to give?"

"My brother is not yet the head of the house, I am well known and respected by some powerful people of Westeros. I'll be the queen who knelt." I huff a small laugh. "I was Robert Baratheon's favourite person, as much as that sounds like a non starter that makes me very knowledgeable in kingdoms. All of them. And their families, I'll be a powerful tool in your hands no doubt your grace, just let me help, we both need allies." I trail off holding my bump.

"How far along are you?" I snap my head up. To the queen.

"About three moons your grace." She smiles softly.

"And the father." My posture stiffens.

"That lunatic will have nothing to do with this child. I will die before it happens." I growl.

"I was once pregnant myself, but I gave his life to save my husband's."

"Yet he died too if I remember correctly. A witch took your child and your love away from you. For that you have my deepest sympathies." I take a step up towards her throne, the unsullied draw their spears. But she holds her hand up to stop them. I stick out my hand and she grasps it by the palm. I remove my hand and stick it right below the elbow. "If you want the North your grace the other lords won't be as willing to overlook mistakes in manners as I am. It's considered an insult if you grab my palm. Always grab the elbow, it's a stronger grip." I murmur.

"Shall you be staying or going back to the north?" Daenerys asks.

"I hope you don't mind me staying here, I'm not in the mood for another sea venture for quite some time." I admitted embarrassed.

"I'll have a room and a bath drawn for you, also new clothes brought-"

"If you don't mind your grace I prefer to make my own clothing. So if I could be allowed to see the tailor for a few bolts of fabric that would be ideal." I interrupt. She nods and I say a thanks and walk towards Tyrion, who was talking with a servant girl.

"You're a brave fool." Tyrion shook his head.

"I like to think I'm a wise madwoman." I grin as I walk with the woman to my room.

"More like a foolish madwoman." He mutters under his breath. I shake my head and let it slide.

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