Chapter 9

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"When do you think she'll wake up?"

"There can't be anyway to tell m'lord. The brain has a funny way of doing things and an even odder way of healing."

"First Bran now Lyanna. Whos next?"

"You Starks are hard to kill, if Lyanna embodies most of you."

"Aye she does. She has the wild, and bad."

"No you do." I say like a child. I hear a collective sigh. I open my eyes and see a lot of people in my room.

"What day is it?"

"You've only been out for 10 hours." Dad says wiping away some of the sweaty hair.

"What did I miss? And where's my gold I do believe Loras won."

"The gold is on the dresser, but the hound took half of it."

"Well he did save me from getting worse. What did I get?"

"Just a nasty slash on your chest, from your left collarbone to the right side of your hip."

"My second stupid heroic scar... being noble is bad for my health. Remind me to not be heroic ever again." I tell nobody in particular.

"Alright rest up sweetheart." Dad says.

"No get me a wheelchair and i'll go around and see the world, and by the world I mean the keep." I say sitting up.

"Not a chance little one. But i'll get the girls in here to have some lemon cakes and tea."

"Can you get me coffee instead? With some cream and sugar?"

"Anything for you my little one" Cerci says gently I smile and let Cuana back onto the bed with me.

Sansa and Arya are awkwardly sitting by my bed while eating some of the cakes. They don't talk or do much.

"Seven hells, i'm almost wishing that the mountain killed me! You two are boring me to death." I say sipping on my coffee.

"How did you know that the mountain would react like that?" Sansa asks

"He always freaks out like that so i wanted to get Loras out of the blasting zone. But i ended up getting the heat." I sigh.

"Not many people can say that they fought the mountain. The only reason you lost was because of Loras." Arya says. I smile and sigh.

"I can't blame Loras, for being an idiot. Coffee?" I ask the two girls.

"M'Lady's your father has been injured." A red cloak says my eyes widen and I get up.

"Take me to him now, and make sure that the girls don't see him that way, please, there will be gold in it if you do as I ask." I plead gently with the lannister guard. He nods and helps me walk to my father, the noble, heroic, blunt, northern, idiot.

I enter the room and see Cersei and Robert standing by Dads bed. Dad was sweating a lot and he has a bandage on his leg from what i'm assuming is a spear. The king and queen look at me while I sit by fathers bed gently wiping away some of the moisture from his face.

"What happened to him?" I ask.

"Your mother has locked up Tyrion and isn't going to give him back." Cersei says. I groan.

"I'm willing to bet you money that she thought it was Tyrion who tried to kill Bran. One of my people told me that she had a knife, that belonged to him, I really do doubt it though since this source was unreliable in the past." I inform them. I give a half hearted laugh. "Dire-wolves don't belong with Stags and Lions in this wretched game."

"But your a Stark and your a player." Uncle Robert says.

"But I haven't been raised as one, traditional Starks are brutally honest and Dangerously blunt. And to a very great extent innocent of the lies and trickery of the south. But if we went far enough south, we might be alright again, it's just this middle part we seem to struggle with." Dads eyes start to open lazily and started to look around and see what was going on.

"I'll leave you adults to deal with... this. I'm going to eat." I stand up and make my way to the kitchens and make myself a merry little meal.

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