Chapter 6

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As soon as we were at the next stop I sat with Robert and Father. Robert was talking about killing the Targaryens once again. But this time i've had enough of this bull.

"Alright... I'm done Uncle Robert I love you to death, but you've crossed the line. This girl is my age, possibly younger, she deserves to live just as much as any other person here. I get it her brother and father were horrible people but that doesn't mean that she or her brother are. Now I'm going to ride to the capitol and when you get back you never mention this, and if I hear that you're planning to assassinate this poor girl I will go and sleep with one of the Martells, I know how much they hate you. And father, you're so much better than this." I growl while storming off.

While I was putting the bridle on the grey horse. While i was doing up the saddle my hands were shaking. I need to strangle something. In my rage I slapped the person who put their hand on my shoulder. I turn and gasp.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay Jory?!" I exclaim. He rubbed his jaw and i grab one of my silk handkerchief and wipe away some blood that was welling on his face.

"Well M'lady you have quite the arm." Jory laughs.

"Don't call me M'lady! Call me Lyanna, and thank you Jory." I say with a gentle smile.

"So you yelled at the King?" he probes.

"He wants to kill the last of the Targaryens, I hate for whole families to be wiped out. And what makes our lives so much better than those of the last Targaryens? Just because they have silver hair and purple eyes doesn't make them evil. Just a little different." I say my stomach was in notts. "Any ways Ser what is your business here?" I ask

"Your lord father wants you to be protected while you go and ride for the capitol in your little angry exit." I nod then swing up on my mare and pat her neck, and wait for my protector.

Back at the capitol I hand my weapons over to Gendry and give him all the Money up front. I also do what I usually do talk with Varys. I learned from a very young age, that the most powerful and useful man in Westeros and possibly Essos, was Varys, the only person I know of that can even try to begin to challenge him was Pyter. But Pyter was in the business of chaos, where as Varys was in the business of peace.

"So i heard that you gave some boys quite the thrashing." Varys says with a smile. I take a drag from the wine goblet.

"My sister, Arya needed a good show of a strong woman who can give a thrashing." I say lightly Varys gives me a half smile in return.

When the rest of the royal party got back I stood awaiting them in some of my finer southern dresses. It was in the colours of the crown, yellow and black. When Uncle Robert road up his eye soften when he sees me. He gets off his horse and then puts his hands on my shoulders and looks down at me.

"Lyanna, I'm sorry, I know that you don't like to kill people that have done nothing wrong but-"

"There is no buts, it's wrong to punish a child for the crimes of their parents, I doubt you'll fall on your sword since you do have the Targaryen genes." I take a step back so his hands fall.

"I very well can't let them gain power there now can I?" the king's face was getting red with anger.

"Do you really think that the kingdoms will back another mad king? The boy Visaris, he takes after his father, too much people say, and the girl is as meek as a baby doe. And who will fight for them? A group of pit fighters? A herd of dothraki screamers? They don't have the money, or the ships to do anything, and last I heard all dragons are dead." I turn and start after father.

I enter the small council room and sit beside Renly, Renly and I had a very platonic relationship, we'd gamble the whole kingdom away if us two were in charge. He almost always bets that I can't do something and I bet that I can do it, and I either get my money, or I get sent to the masters.

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