Chapter 7

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At the castle Sansa and Arya looked very upset. And angry at each other.

"What's wrong with you two. I can cut the tension in here it's so thick." I say grabbing some of the bird that was presented.

"Our wolves are gone." Arya spits. I purse my lips.

"Tell me what happened, Arry you first."

"I was playing swords with Mhyca, a butcher's boy, then Joffrey came and started to hurt him, then Nymeria bit him and I held his sword to his face, like you did when you fought him and then when he begged for mercy I threw it in the river and then sent Nymeria away."

"No wonder why you were so late, Now Sansa."

"I was walking with the prince, and we were drinking wine, then we saw Arya and that boy playing with sticks, then... they started to beat him with clubs and then they ran."

"Stop lying, or I'll convince the royal family to send you back and call off this betrothal." I growl. San looked horrified while Arya smiled.

"We were drinking and then the prince hurt the butcher's boy."

"So Arya was right?" My voice was getting louder. Sansa nods meekly. I then grab some of the metal plates and throw them at the wall.

"By the gods Sansa are you really that easily swayed? Or just daft? You single handedly got the wolves killed, you can live with that, I hope that the princes wine was worth it, and Arya, you need to realise that the prince is merely a vicious boy who thrives on chaos, next time he does something like that bow and say, 'forgive me your grace, I'll be taking my leave now.' so until you two gather some common sense don't bother with apologize, for then they will just be empty words." I then go to my room and lock the door. In about five days time a knock echoed in my room.

"Who is it?" I yell.

"The assassin, open up please I have a lot of people to get rid of today and my feet are sore." I smile, only one person jokes like that in this castle.

"Not today." I reply opening up the door. Sirio Farrell. He was a Braavosi water dancer and one of my many teachers. And he also bought me most of my dresses from Essos.

"Come on, get up the moon has begun a new and so should you." I roll my eyes and grab my wooden sword.

"Why are you here?" I ask walking down the hall.

"I'm here to teach this little boy, another Stark." he says.

"You mean Arya? She's my little sister." I correct.

"Girl, boy, they will both learn the same."

"Valar Dohaeris." I say with a smile.

"All men must serve, you've been practicing your Valerien."

"Well if I want to run amuck in the free cities I better be able to talk to the people."

"You might want to learn Dothraki also then."

"If you insist."

"I just don't want that pretty face of yours to get all bloodied up."

"Like that'll ever happen, do you think you've taught a fool?"

"On occasion." I shove the water dancer and laugh.

When we enter the open area I see Arya. She was sneaking up on one of the wilder cats that were ever present in the red keep.

"Arya." I whisper right behind her. She jumps and loses the cat again.

"Your a jerk." Arya yells. She turns and glares at me.

"Come on Arry I caught three cats in the time it's taking you to catch one." I brag leaning on her.

"I thought it was five." Sirio says.

"I forget but it was more that what you have now." I tell Arya who growls at me. I laugh and turn to the Braavosi. "I'm going to the brothel now, so at least teach her something interesting?"

"Why go to a brothel when you have a man right here?" Sirio purrs.

"I don't go to the brothel for pleasure, I go for guitar lessons and for some of the scrubs that they have there, but that's not important. And Arya, try to go near where the old ones lay." I say cryptically before leaving.

After the lesson I was walking back up to the castle saying hello to the guards who are around my chambers.

"So m'lady are you going to participate in the tourney?" one of them asks. I throw my head back and laugh.

"By the gods no! The mountain himself is going to be riding. So unless I end up owing half a million gold to someone I'm not going in."

"That's smart little wolf." Sandor says.

"Well he's a beast, that brother of yours, I don't feel like becoming Elia Martell."

"Understandable, you going back to the keep?"

"I don't feel like drinking tonight, at least try to save my liver."

"Fuck that. Drink until death." I smile then grab his arm so he can escort me properly.

At the next small council meeting I was deep into a cup of wine. All I was hearing was bla bla bla. Lots of visitors. Bla bla bla. Tavern riot, brothel fire, three stabbings, and a drunken horse race.

"Okay I can fix most of these problems. There was a few dornish men who I was talking to and they then said that they'd have a race and I'd have to give a kiss to the winner, i said sure let's go out of town then they didn't listen to me so I didn't kiss the winner. Then there's then 2 of the stabbings were from noble knights who were saving my honour. There done! Now I'm board so i'll see you men later, possibly at the tourney." I get up to take my leave.

"Just don't wear one of your revealing dresses." Baelish begs.

"Hmm... I'll wear one now just to annoy you, not that it does anyways." I jest.

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