Chapter 20

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Today was the day I was to give the gifts from the Starks and Boltons to Joffrey and Margaery. I was to go after Tyrion. But seeing as how Joffrey destroyed his uncles book I have a good feeling about mine.

"My king, my queen, I'm here to represent both house Stark and Bolton." I bow lowly.

"Ah yes Lady Lyanna. Your back." Joffrey states rather bored like. So I just smile at him and nod.

"Lyanna it's so nice to see you again." Margaery smiles.

"Thank you, but I have gifts. For you my king I have a new saddle made by the best leather maker in all of the world, the leather is said to be from dire wolf, and from house Bolton, a book, I believe that it will be more suited to your taste. And for the queen my betrothed gives you silk and lace from the summerset isles, and I give you this necklace, made of dragon glass and black steel, with rubies and emeralds." I bow once more and walk away leaving the gifts for the soon to be weds to enjoy and sit back down at my table.

Later that day after the boring ceremony it was time for the reception I was sat at a table with the Martells who were keeping me company.

"So what's it like being the princess of the north?" Oberyn finally asks. I laugh.

"I'm no princess, the Starks gave up those titles long ago. But I'm wardeness along with my betrothals family." I correct

"Speaking of betrothed, how is he in bed?" I slightly choke on my wine.

"Lord Ramsay and I haven't... done that." I say quickly.

"Really? From what I've heard of Ramsay..." Ellaria trails off. But I just smile.

"I have him on a tight leash so I won't have to worry about him." I say with an elegant shrug.

"Ahh that's the Lyanna we have heard of. The people of dorn would love to meet the lady who has made the old lion smile." Ellaria says touching my shoulder.

"Thank you but I'm afraid I cannot go for some time. I have the north to tame, a husband to marry, a two sisters and three brothers to save, and whatever Ramsay doesn't want to deal with. I'm stumped." I sigh. The two Dornish look at me and Oberyn offers me a hand.

"Let's go get some wine Lyanna." He purrs gently. I flush and nod, grabbing his hand to help me up.We roam over to the fruits and Oberyn feeds me a cherry.

"Lyanna, I do believe that this is inappropriate behaviour for a woman who is betrothed." Tywin says. I look over at him and bow my head to him and Cerci.

"Lord Tywin, My queen." I say politely.

"I see the northern barbarians haven't worn off on you too much yet." Cerci smiles. I bite down on my lip hard, ever since I've rejected Cersei's crazy requests she's been colder then the northern winter.

"And I see that the reach has finally come to the crown lands, I think that Margaery will make an amazing queen, she even helps out with the orphans. It's good to know that at least one of the royals still care for the children. Isn't it Oberyn?"

"That it is Lyanna, but they probably miss you more." I laugh gently.

"Why thank you, now I must go and see my sister, and brother in law." I say bowing my head slightly at the group.

At the head table I give my congratulations to the new queen and brat before heading over to my sister and Tyrion.

"I see that your getting close to Oberyn and Ellaria." Tyrion says with a smile.

"Well I met them at the brothel for the usual. And we hit it off so I don't see the problem." I say with an innocent tone. Sansa's head snaps up at me. Tyrion and I meet each other's eyes and we both start to laugh.

"Lady Lyanna. Your sister is mortified!" Tyrion beams. I roll my eyes.

"Okay so I'm going to go back to table before any other people try to talk to me have fun at the top table." I wave and stroll back to my table.

A while later into the feast I was having a great time with Oberyn who was telling me of his daughters back in Dorn. But while we were laughing my attention was brought to the performance. There was 5 dwarfs all dressed in different costumes all reminiscent of the war that just happened. My mouth got dry and I felt my face go pale. But I refused to get up and walk away. There was 'Joffrey' in a well made costume riding on a lion, Renly riding a man with blonde curly hair, Stannis on a red priestess, the Greyjoy was on a kraken and my brother.. the costume was all wrong and very offensive. I feel some hands on me and I start to take deep breaths through my nose. Watching this  tale was taking me back to the red wedding. Joffrey didn't even have the nerve to kill Robb himself instead he got Roose to do it for him. That foul little roach I hope he chokes on that wine of his.

"Are you alright?" Oberyn asks.

"Fine. I'm fine." I say trying to smile as I see the fake head roll about the ground. My face is suddenly pulled to a different direction. My eyes meet Jamie's green ones.

"What do you want Lannister?" I spit.

"For the king to not get killed." He says.

"Your not telling the truth Jamie. Your foot is pointed away from all of this looking for an escape route." I smile slightly.

"Your causing a scene sir Jamie..." Ellaria purrs. Realizing this he lets me go. I rub my face that's no doubt red.

"Imagine watching a crude representation of your mother's death. Then maybe you'd come to a minor understanding of my pain." I sigh and drink some more wine but I then realize that it's a really horrid year so I spit it out. "By the gods this wine is horrid."

"Let me get you a better year." Oberyn says getting up he strokes my hair gently. I give him a sad smile then start a conversation with Ellaria.

While I forget my troubles in some good wine I see the huge pie arrive. Joffrey splits it open and some birds fly out I roll my eyes and fill my goblet up to the top and down it.

"The pie is dry, uncle bring me some wine." The brat yells.

"Poor Tyrion." I mutter to the Martell party. They nod in agreement. I suddenly hear violent coughing I turn around and see the king holding his neck. The coughs became increasingly violent and his face was becoming purplish blue. The blood on his face was a bright red.

"I'm seeing this right? It's not a hallucination?" I ask Oberyn.

"You are seeing it just as I am my dear." He responds. I put on a horrified face quickly.

"Best wedding ever." I whisper to him.

Cerci started to scream and yell like a woman gone mad, Jamie runs over, I look around and see everyone panicked, lastly I see Tyrion pick up the wine glass inspecting it with a curious interest.

"He did it, he killed your king!" Cerci screamed. The king's guard dragged Tyrion away and I look for Sansa with no luck.

"What are you looking for?" Ellaria asks.

"Sansa. Where's Sansa!" I hiss.

"Hush Lyanna, she probably ran." Ellaria soothes I nod and calm down and wait for the que to leave the crime scene.

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