Chapter 8

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Before the turny I decided that I should get a full a scrub from the brothel since they have the best soaps and fragrances in this shit hole.

"Lady Lyanna, What brings you here?" A redhead asks.

"I like to come here and use one of the tubs on occasion because this place has some of the best fragrances and soaps and besides I like a little pampering." I say honestly.

"Ahh Baelish told me of your visits."

"Perfect so I'll wait here and then." The girl nods and then runs off for a few seconds then walks me to the community bathing pool. Where I take off my clothes and pick up some of my favourite fragrances. Then from there I'm led to my bath and the three women groom me to perfection. When I was done bathing I step out of the tub and the girls start to pay me down with the fluffy towels. I look up and see the door was open and one of fathers guards was standing there watching me I smile at him like I was taught and almost as if he were under my spell he walks forwards into my room. I giggled slightly as he slowly looked over my body.

"So Jory, What brings you here?" I ask my voice turning into molten honey Ros, the redhead gives me a proud like look.

"Uhh... I don't believe that it would be appropriate to say... m'lady." Jory says red in the face.

"Now now Jory I think that you should be able to call me Lyanna. After all you've seen me in my skins, not that I mind all that much." I coo. The women debate on wardrobe and I slowly walk over to him and stroke his hair gently.

"Lyanna... your father."

"My father isn't here now is he? Besides I don't let anyone get that far with me. I have an ironclad will." I say undoing his leather armour.


"Shhhh. Like I said my father doesn't need to know, you won't tell I won't tell and these women won't tell." I give him a brilliant smile. And lean down slightly and not bothering with being gentle Jory kisses my lips with a fierceness. I quickly respond and weave my hands through his hair and gently pull on it. Jory asks for entrance to my mouth and I with hold but he grabs a sensitive spot on my thigh and I moan lightly which he takes full advantage of by slipping his tongue in my mouth. Picking me up he lays me on the bed and hovers over top of me. I quickly undo his shirt and he throws it off with little care as to where it landed. I smile behind the kiss and let my hand roam down his chest feeling the faint scars. I hear the man growl and then he brings my hands above my head. I hear the whores giggling from the corner of the room. Once I kept my hands up over my head without Jory holding on to them he started to kneed my inner thigh my breath hitched as he started to leave sloppy little kisses on my body.

"Lyanna sorry to stop the fun but you have an hour before the tournament begins." Ros grins seeing our position.

"Fuck me." I groan.

"I'm trying." Jory smiles at me I kiss him again slowly and get up.

"Ros if you'll do the honours." I say she nods and I leave a fair amount of coin on the table and get the others to dress me.
They pick out one of my ashi made dresses that I had bought and it had just been delivered. The woman who made this had made this from some blue silk that was made in ashi, and some black sheer material from the summer isles, it was by far my favorite and most comfortable.

Along the road to my fathers tourney I stood by and danced and sang with some of the common folk. I then realised what time it was and ran to the seats. I huff and wheeze while plopping down next to Sansa. She looked embarrassed.

"Come on now Sansa, I was dancing and singing with the commoners, it's great fun you should try it!"

"Yes lots of fun until they start to have fights and drunken horse races." Baelish mutters.

"Hey! The horse race was only partly my fault, the others I'm not responsible for. I don't control men's desires." I say glaring at the man. He gives up first and I look to see whos up next. It turns out to be Loras Tyrell and Ser Gregor 'The Mountain' Clegane. Ohhh how I hate the both of them. But Loras is a bit more tricky then Gregor so i guess he's a bit better. So If anyone else starts the betting pool I'll jump in coin purse first. I already know that Loras' mare is in heat the stable boys were chatting about it, and Gregor has a fine stallion, with possible dothraki blood lines.

"Lyanna do you want to bet?" Renly asks.

"What ever the going price is on Loras." I say with a board tone.

"You'd bet on the knight of flowers?" Pyter asks.

"He has more intelligence than the mountain." I reply

"It's not proper to bet with men." A septa scolds. I groan and look at her.

"Do you know what happened to the last septa who told me that?" I ask her.

"Septa Marie?"

"Green eyes, tan skin, tall, skinny, long nose?" I ask the woman nods. "Well lets just say that she got a free ride to dorne, with some of the new brothel owners." I say with a sly grin. The woman looks forward and starts to ignore me. I roll my eyes and focus on the match. Loras won and was looking all upiddy, but the mountain was having none of it. Knowing the anger of the beast first hand I bolt to Loras.

"You need to go before he kills you." I demand.

"Who kills me?"

"Are you that daft? Run." I warn. But it was too late the mountain dragged Loras off of his mare. I grab the flower knights sword and try to defend myself but Loras the useless bag of bones. Yelps in pain. I look back for a split second and I feel the blinding pain. I don't cry out I won't give him the satisfaction. I hear more sword fighting.

"Stop this madness!" The voice seems hazy and thicker than cold honey. I see the hounds burned face.

"Fuck Knights." I say before I fall asleep.

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