Chapter 33

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The weather has definitely gotten colder then the last time I was here. As I trotted along the road back home I saw a beautiful bush of winter roses, the striking blue of the petals held my gaze and wouldn't let it go, almost as if I was possessed. I got off my horse and started to cut some of the flowers from the bush. I took a deep breath and in my mind I can hear my father tell me about how his sister loved these flowers, by the sounds of it that was the only feminine thing she'd admit to liking, it was also the only thing my father ever said about his sister. Every time my father would look at the roses his eyes would get soft and warm he would never tell me exactly why though, a secret memory just between the two siblings now, lost to time and brought to their early graves. I zoned back in once I had a dozen or so flowers in a neat pile waiting for me to take them.

The guards who stood at the gates of winterfell was a great way to see that the men here aren't training hard enough. They'll need to be more disciplined if we are to survive as I approached the gates a woman walked right by the oblivious men I pushed my horse harder towards the gate and when I was with in earshot I screamed

"What in the seven hells was that?! A woman just walked by you two fuck heads like she was going on a Sunday stroll through the market." I slid off my horse and handed the oaf on my right the reigns. And I turn to the other one. "Now tell me who was she? Or were you too busy sucking off this idiot?"

"She said she was Arya Stark." I froze as the man told me.

"Go get lady Sansa," I reply as Iwalk away from the men. "Now."

I wandered down to the crypt with my roses. I tried to move as silently as possible to see if this person was lying. Even if this person isn't Arya, she seems to have the attitude for it. I peek around the corner and see her staring at dad.

"Now between the statues and the dim lights it's hard to tell if you're a ghost or if we finally commissioned your statue." I jest setting down the flowers.

"If there was a statue wouldn't it be in your room? I do remember how you like your girls." The woman shoots back. My vision gets blurry and my heart starts to race. I run to her and squeeze her tightly she's gotten so much bigger and she feels super strong, but there's something missing. I take a step back and look at her. A true stark. But there was something off with her eyes. But I couldn't care less she's here with the family now.

"Now mother can rest easy knowing that her children are no longer lost." I grab the winter roses and start to make three small loops. As I finish them I put one in the hands of my father, one in my aunt Lyannas and one for uncle Brandon.

"What are those for?" Arya asks stalking behind me.

"Aunt Lyanna's favourite flowers. They all seemed so close..." I smile. I hear quick footsteps coming down the stairs but they are light. Sansa I'm guessing. I pull Arya into one more hug and tell her to find me later, along with her nephew. I then left Sansa and Arya to say their hellos.

There's one thing I never took into account when I left winterfell, my heart felt like it was ripped into a million bits. My boy, my sweet darling boy. He's grown in front of my eyes. I could hardly believe that my little boy was as big as he was. My eyes welled up with tears.

"Mama!" Talion attached himself to my leg.

"Hello my boy." I picked him up and kissed his head holding him close.

"Uncy Bwan." I stop for a minute and look at the septa.

"Lord Bran arrived a few days ago, Talion enjoys his company mostly for the old stories." The sept confirms.

"Where does Bran usually go?" I ask.

"The godswood my lady." The septa smiles at me.

"Let's go my boy." I lift Talion up higher on my hip. He's almost too big for me to carry around.

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