Chapter Thirty-Nine: Chatting With TeleVisore

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It all happened so fast. One second, I was standing in the cave with the others, facing off against TeleVisore, and the next, I found myself in a muddy trench, filled with grey mud and white mist.

I bet that the soft ug boots I wore on Frayopeyja are now wrecked. I mean, it could be worse.

I could be dead.

I could still yet die, if I don't have a plan to escape this swamp.

Luckily, this swamp is shallow, which gives me the advantage if I wish to walk fast. Or, at least, I hope it does. I'm not really smart. Before I became part of the Hero Complex Management Program, I once dropped a boiled chicken egg into the compost bin. I'm really short sighted. Which is why it's likely that I'll die today in the misty forest. I can only up to see a few metres away, so if a vicious animal tries to eat me, then I won't even notice before it's too late.

Despite my short sightedness, I start trudging through the mud, entering through a portal of phantom-like fog. It appears this trench was once a river, now having dried out, leaving only grey mud behind. The cool vapour from fog keeps the mud from fully drying, which is unfortunate for my new shoes.

Of course, I'm not upset. These boots were stolen from a store by Lygor, and I have no idea why I still accompanied him. Maybe a part of me hoped that he could lead me to Rotcetorp, who could get me out of the hero program due to his involvement. But, that wouldn't have happened, anyway. In the car, Lygor told us that he believed TeleVisore replaced Rotcetorp's role in the hierarchy of the Hero Complex Management program.

If that is truly the case, then Rotcetorp can no longer get me out of the program legally. Of course, this program isn't legal by any means, but I still would like to graduate from the program properly. I'd prefer to have earned my freedom.

However, despite knowing this harsh truth that Rotcetorp wouldn't be able to free me, anyway, I still have remained with Lygor. Even though he's a pirate, deep down, I know that the people in charge of this program are way worse. I knew the truth that this program was illegal. However, this program was justified by the fear of superheroes that spread across the populated worlds. And when Rotcetorp came along, the people who were slowly building a revolution against this program were all eliminated.

I guess I knew that wherever I'd be going, I'd be safe with Lygor. Sure, I didn't trust him entirely, due to his partnership with Rotcetorp. However, he seemed loyal. So, I stuck with him.

Now, I'm trapped on this misty world. I could be wrong, but I am almost one hundred percent sure that this world is Podplanata II, the world that has recently been heavily spoken about in the news.

The governments of the two neighbouring planets, Podplanata I and Podplanata III, have been seeking to take over Podplanata II for decades. Tensions were rapidly developing between the two neighbours, while panic spread through Podplanata II. The political turmoil ensued without any progress until the tensions escalated. The respective armies of Podplanata I and III had amassed, planning to invade and take Podplanata II for themselves.

I don't really get why they're fighting over this planet. It's legit a barren land of grey dirt and tree husks. However, I don't watch the news all the time. I could have missed something.

Anyway, I've been walking through this creek bed for five minutes, and I'm very bored. The air feels like a cold sauna, and there's little wind to brush against my short strand of purple hair. By now, a few more strands of purple hair have grown next my pre-existing strand of hair.. That's not good. I like really short hair.

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