Chapter Forty-Two: Showdown

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The robot on the news speaks in monotone. His copper skin, his camera-like eyes, and his long magenta wig makes him stand out from most humans. He doesn't have any teeth; however, his lips are very life-like.

He is wearing a purple satin shirt over the top of a dusty brown suit jacket. An orange holoticker flicks underneath him.

"Welcome to the news!" the robot greets, before the holographic newsroom vanishes to reveal Podplanata. 5D television makes it feel as if we're actually on a foreign planet. However, to make sure nobody goes crazy, parts of the room in which the holographically generated world covers can be seen.

That is why Zieré's wooden coffee table, on which a turquoise mug containing blue broccoli tea sits, can be seen standing on its four legs on the surface of Podplanata II.

Explosions rack the room; however, they are just holographic explosions representing the real explosions on Podplanata. In the background, I can hear the robot narrating.

"After Oppugnant killed the of Podplanata, the already feared civil war became a reality. Many have died as a result and-"

The holoprojection then shuts off, and I turn to face Zieré, who sits in the blue armchair next to me, flickering as she does so. The slitted pupils of the feline humanoid's bright green eyes rotate towards me. Then, she slowly blinks at me, and then stands up from her chair and walks over to me. I am ambushed by a wet smooch from Zieré, and then, without reason, I kiss her.

But I pull backwards, interrupted by a jarring thought.

"Why did Laiva have to die?"

"I don't know. At least her death led us to each other."

"Yeah," I mumble uncomfortably.

Nothing can replace Laiva. Her death extinguished my fiery and charismatic soul. I am nothing but a husk, longing for Oppugnant's demise. Then, and only then, will I be reborn.

Even though I'm starting to develop somewhat of a relationship with Zieré, nothing can wipe away my memories of Laiva.

Nothing could ever be capable of being beautiful like Laiva. Nothing could be as shy and awkward as Laiva. Nothing could ever replace her brilliantly dry personality.

Not even Zieré.

But perhaps Oppugnant could replace Laiva. Perhaps all I have left is my rivalry with Oppugnant. An ongoing war that keeps me invested in everything that's beautiful about this world. An ongoing war that causes romantic feelings to flush whenever I'm fighting Oppugnant.

I don't know why I have these feelings, but I do know that it has something to do with the connection I share with Oppugnant.

Our connection exceeds space and time itself. It exceeds the universe. It exceeds everything that is, and ever will be. I don't love Oppugnant. At least, I don't think so. But I do love Laiva. And I'm talking in the present tense because I think she's alive. After her death, I grieved, but not as much as I'd thought I would grieve. I feel dry. But not empty. In fact, Laiva's warm energy remains present with me, even as I battle her murderer, Oppugnant. In fact, it's during these times when I feel closer to Laiva than I ever have before.

This is why I think she's still alive. The Stellar Rhythm isn't usually something I believe in, but I do feel deeply spiritual. Powers are spiritual, in a way. Gifted to us by the great unknown. But there isn't really anything unknown about Laiva's fate. In fact, she's been with me all along.

After all, she is Oppugnant.

That's why I'm so compelled to fight them. I've buried the truth deep down in the crevices of my spherical heart. But the truth always echoes through my mind as I fight Oppugnant. It became more prominent after Oppugnant had taken my alter ego prisoner. The kindness Oppugnant treated me with then was completely unexpected. Although we continued fighting, that kindness has been stuck on my mind since that moment.

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