Chapter Thirty-Four: Different Paths

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After being knocked out by a powerful electrical blast generated by Oppugnant, I groggily awaken on the trash covered hill. I'm definitely bruised in some places, but that doesn't matter. Oppugnant's death is all that matters.

I lean off the hill and watch as the core of the nearby moon shines radiant light. Soon, the moon will set, and it will be night.

I don't know how long I was out cold for, but I don't really care, to be honest.

I just want Oppugnant dead.

Rage bubbles within me like molten lava. Memories of Laiva and Aacis remain at the front of my mind. I don't think Aacis did the things the news said he did. Sure, there's stuff I don't know about him, but still, I do know that he would never kill innocents.

Oppugnant would, however.

Nevertheless, after Oppugnant's death, I'm taking a trip to Iuenté to find out the truth.

As I limp along the trash, which is lit up by a brown sunset, I hear static from my suit's built in radio. I'm surprised my suit didn't fry, but it is extremely durable to the elements. I guess Lygor chose the materials for my suit well.

"Yes?" I reply dryly through the radio in my helmet.

My radio also muffles my voice so that the people on the other end can't hear what I really sound like.

"Rotcetorp, you need to help me!" whimpers Silveagak. "There's a new hero named TeleVisore. He's working with Parakga! He's disrupted my plan!"

I sigh in a frustrated tone. "I'm familiar with him. What plan?"

Silveagak's breath is fast, and I know that's she's really in danger. She's one of the people I work for on Teglyo. I help bring in super powered vigilantes when I'm not fighting Oppugnant, and this is the reason I haven't been inducted into the program. That, and my

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. I had this plan to use you to kill King Parakga. I wanted to stop the induction of more superpowered people into the program. But they uncovered my plan, and now, I need your help! Come to Teglyo! Quickly!"

I nod, even though I'm not in the same room as Silveagak.

"I'll be right with you!"

I tap a button on my wrist, and the radio transmission ends. I jump into the air, and hover a few metres above the ground. Then, I look up into the sky, and allow myself to soar through the gentle wind until I exit the atmosphere several minutes later.

Then, I search for Teglyo in the map of stars. It's located by a bright spectre of light in the middle of the galaxy. That is the red giant it orbits.

My eyepieces zoom in towards the planet Teglyo, magnifying it until a reddish-purple dot appears.

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