Chapter Twenty: A Lair on Fire

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Garbatrak's molten moon comes into view. The moon's core is fully exposed due to the moon lacking a crust. Rumours have it that long ago, around the same time as Garbatrak's great calamity, there was a powerful supervillain who devastated the moon so badly that remained of the moon was its fiery orange core. I don't want to know if I can do something like that. That's why I'm very careful with my powers.

Anyway, I make my way towards Garbatrak, its greenish brown atmosphere catching the orange glow of the exposed moon core that orbits the planet.

Upon entry into the atmosphere, the smell of trash causes me to recoil in disgust. However, I continue my descent through the atmosphere of Garbatrak, ignoring the putrid smell of decomposing trash.

I breeze past the fuel refineries built into the clearings of brownish yellow soil. While this world has few visitors, there are robots that operate the refineries, which are identified by the cylinders with glowing yellow lights that sit amongst distinguished from amongst the plant ridden mountains of trash.

After flying through the air for several minutes, I notice the bulky hull of the crashed cargo ship that I call my home. However, something's not right. Grey plumes of smoke rise from the ship, and I momentarily worry that my lair has been discovered and lit alight by locals. But that worry is unfounded. Why would they light it on fire? This is a junk planet, so waste doesn't matter here.

Then, I realize that Rotcetorp must've returned to my lair and used his fire powers to burn my lair to a crisp. He's such a nuisance!

As I further approach the ship, I notice Rotcetorp's silhouette against the tan sky.

"Rotcetorp!" I bellow once I get close enough for Rotcetorp to hear me. "What are you doing?"

Rotcetorp turns to face me. I stare towards their burgundy eyepieces that sit at the top of his curved helmet. His eyepieces glow menacingly, and they briefly crackle with fierce static. Then, I fire a blast of energy at them, but they block it with a wall of rock that rises between us.

The rock cracks almost instantly as the plasma strikes it, sending dust flying into the sky. Then, the rock transforms into electrified water, which Rotcetorp directs towards me. I've never seen him use electricity before. Perhaps he's mixing elemental powers up to create some truly unique abilities. If I wasn't attempting to defend myself from his attack, I would be impressed.

But, right now, I'm trying to incapacitate Rotcetorp. I'm manipulating the air around me so that it can propel the electrified water back towards Rotcetorp, but they soar into air before the water can soak their suit.

Then, Rotcetorp mutters something under their breath as the water drops to the ground. He points his arm towards the ground before then pulling his hand upwards, causing rock to lift off the ground. As the rock levitates, it morphs into several smaller rocks, which are then shaped into magma-lined spikes.

The spikes zoom towards me, and I block them with an instinctive shield of plasma. Then, I propel the plasma shield towards Rotcetorp, knocking him down so that I have a chance to speed away from the fight. My sights are set on the fuel refinery I passed earlier. Hopefully, I can hide away from Rotcetorp.

But hesitation stops me in my tracks. I'm still hovering above the ground, but I'm subconsciously starting to lower towards the trash covered ground. I don't want to leave Rotcetorp. I feel like it's my duty to protect him, although I don't know why I feel like that.


The plasma shield Oppugnant launched towards me strikes my chest, knocking me onto the soft grass that covers parts of the moist ground. My body is bruised and sore. I'm exhausted, and I just want to go home. But Laiva's killer must be brought to justice.

The weight of fatigue is evidenced by the heavy eyebags that circle my silver eyes. I struggle to lift myself up, and when I finally do so, I stare dizzily towards Oppugnant's figure in the distance.

I begin trudging painfully along the soil. The small moon provides less light than a sun would, but it still gives off more light than an actual moon would. 

No offence to the moon.

My head is pounding. No wonder it's making such tired jokes. I can seriously do...better... myself up from the ground, but I can't find the energy. I'm just weak.

A failure.

I can't stand against Oppugnant like this.

But nevertheless, I continue trudging onwards, towards a tall mountain of trash.

The sky slowly darkens, indicating that the moon is gradually moving to Garbatrak's other hemisphere. I sigh. I won't give up. Oppugnant must perish. I must succeed.

I must avenge...I must avenge...I must avenge Laiva's death.

Then, I collapse.

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