I heard your name today, not about you, just your name.
Baby, I got tingles all over my body.
Your name still triggers a part of me I forgot I even had.
It was your name that started a fire again, and your name that burns me so brightly.
Your name gave me passion again, gave me something I forgot I owned.
My power comes from you, my dearest peach.
I found myself thinking about you again.
Thinking about how you made me better at the very least, how I wanted to be better because of you.
Baby, you make me a better man, someone to be respected.
You make me want to be a better man.
You make me need to be a better man.
I want to come to school when I know you'll be there.
You make me want to get out of the bed in the mornings, all because I may see you.
You make me proud to be who I am, because you love me regardless.
It all started with your name in the morning.
I didn't want to come here today, I almost stayed home.
Your name made me stay the whole damned day.
The idea that you're here with me, through thick and incredibly thin.
My dearest darling, it all begins with you.It was your name to light me up again.